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quick sketch after work

quick sketch after work


quick sketch

quick sketch


quick sketch

quick sketch


beautiful woman 人像美女

beautiful woman 人像美女


手繪插畫、「皮皮糖」LINE貼圖設計 - 碧海藍天(bichia) Illustration, LINE Sticker

手繪插畫、「皮皮糖」LINE貼圖設計 - 碧海藍天(bichia) Illustration, LINE Sticker


車子 慕夏 蝙蝠車 慕夏 batmobile 1989 mucha

車子 慕夏 蝙蝠車 慕夏 batmobile 1989 mucha


2017 TW TAX credit card promotion screen-cap

2017 TW TAX credit card promotion screen-cap


2016 TW TAX credit card promotion screen-cap

2016 TW TAX credit card promotion screen-cap





商業LINE貼圖設計、平面設計 - Hoelex34 Graphic Design & LINE Sticker

商業LINE貼圖設計、平面設計 - Hoelex34 Graphic Design & LINE Sticker


OpenVAS 8 failed status code:400/503, Task unable to start

OpenVAS 8 failed status code:400/503, Task unable to start


SSL Labs 與 Google 把 CA 發行商「WoSign」「StartCom」憑證列為不信任憑證

SSL Labs 與 Google 把 CA 發行商「WoSign」「StartCom」憑證列為不信任憑證


fanart- Nameless King

fanart- Nameless King


DNS Propagation status checker Bash Script w/ nslookup

DNS Propagation status checker Bash Script w/ nslookup


英文 "The birds and the bees" 中文意思隱喻講法之解釋與由來

英文 "The birds and the bees" 中文意思隱喻講法之解釋與由來


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