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Well, I saw some of Vovo's artwork at conceptart.org and decided to come and see some more. And what a surprise it was, seeing that vovo has such talented friends... =)

Nice works everyone!

- morph

morphine 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 13:24:21
Welcome~ Morph!

Investor[@]vovo2000.com 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 13:54:45
nice to meet you!

diveer 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 14:14:36
oh morphine ~it`s you !. good job :)

vovo 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 14:28:12
You can push the link "過程"
to see the process of this drawing.
Or. the link "續繪" to continue this drawing.

vovo 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 14:34:55
Investor: thanks!
diveer: nice to meet you too! ^___^
vovo: I can see this when choosing Language: English:
Replay/Contd-Canvas hehe ^___^'
I LOOOOOOOVE your artwork!! Please do more PaintBBS paintings... please oh please oh please!! =]
Or either try OpenCanvas and save a .wpe file for us... (i'm beggin' now.. ;)

morphine 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 14:40:27
OH? you mean "OC"? yes yes !
Honestly, we done lots of painting with open canvas(in short "OC").
Maybe one day ,you can upload OC files on this site (I mean "maybe"...it takes time...)

小哈 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 14:45:30

金田二artbeen 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 14:54:01
I just visited conceptart.org,what a great website.hope you post more art works herer and bring more friends ^^.

diver 2003/1/17 (Fri.) 15:05:03