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Hi, this is the first time I post my drawing up... it isn't professional or pretty... but i hope that you'll like it... please comment on it, thanks!

amil 2002/6/3 (Mon.) 06:54:52
Hi, this is the first time I post my drawing up... it isn't professional or pretty... but i hope that you'll like it... please comment on it, thanks!

amil 2002/6/3 (Mon.) 06:59:45

小斌 2002/6/3 (Mon.) 10:27:03
Hello there~~keep going~~~you will find your "place" here~~

暗黑絕地打壓優秀新手裝正義愷爹 2002/6/3 (Mon.) 10:52:30
Friend from UCI, have fun here and feel free
to paint/post your art works.

Vovo2000.com 2002/6/3 (Mon.) 12:29:51
You will be a welcome visitor here ^_^

小哈 2002/6/3 (Mon.) 14:28:15
to Vovo2000.com, how do u know that I am from UCI? And thanks to others for your welcome! I appreciate it! By the way, I can read Chinese, so please don't hestitate to respond in Chinese, 3Q!

amil 2002/6/4 (Tue.) 01:53:49