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hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) :: hoelex34 美術繪圖作品畫廊 人氣點閱: 4392341

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★【Universe Star 夢宇宙星球】 -《螢石星Fluorite-七彩夢幻蝶傳說的故事》 Hoelex Pain ›› ★Universe ›› Star ›› 夢宇宙星球 ›› -螢石星Fluorite-七彩夢幻蝶傳說的故事 ›› H
人氣點閱: 1880, 回覆: 0, 2020-09-05
★【Universe Star 夢宇宙星球】 -《螢石星Fluorite-七彩夢幻蝶傳說的故事》 Hoelex Painter繪畫教學

●【Universe Star ★夢宇宙星球】系列-hoelex


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★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 太魯閣族Truku-讀書Matas ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 太魯閣族 ›› Truku ›› 洢漾 ›› 蘇巴 ›› Iyang ›› Subaw ›› 讀書 ›› Matas
人氣點閱: 5235, 回覆: 2, 2020-09-03
(1 個評分 Rating 6)
洢漾. 蘇巴是最常研究敘讀著神話歷史掌管大地的編織之神Utux Tminun,透過織布藝術象徵著「把萬物編織在一起」的世界觀,當族人過世後,則一定要走過彩虹橋才能到達彼端。
Iyang Subaw is Utux Tminun, the god of weaving who is most often studied and narrating mythology and history and is in charge of the earth. Through the art of weaving, he symbolizes the worldview of "knitting all things together". After the tribe passes away, they must walk across the Rainbow Bridge to reach The other side.

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★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 太魯閣族Truku-謝謝Mhuway ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 太魯閣族 ›› Truku ›› 卡羅唯 ›› 艾紹 ›› Karaw ›› Isaw ›› 謝謝 ›› Mhuway
人氣點閱: 1698, 回覆: 0, 2020-09-02
Karaw. Isaw personality: with this kind of curious and changeable personality, and able to continuously create a life of change, energetic enterprising, with the courage to pursue goals wholeheartedly, encounter pain, conflict, struggle is no stranger to them , Because they are always faced with big and small challenges, they are lucky and smart and able to adapt to changes, and they still insist on sticking to freedom and independence.

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★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 太魯閣族Truku-你好嗎? embiyax su hug? ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 太魯閣族 ›› Truku ›› 洢漾 ›› 蘇巴 ›› Iyang ›› Subaw ›› 你好嗎 ›› embiyaxsuhug ›› 捕夢網 ›› 召喚靈鳥 ›› 占卜鳥 ›› 水神之洞
人氣點閱: 2511, 回覆: 0, 2020-09-01
太魯閣族Truku-你好嗎? embiyax su hug?
洢漾. 蘇巴的個性:天生是個逐夢家,喜歡沉浸在遙遠國度的幻想冒險中,從年輕時候開始所讀的書、所作的夢,都充滿了到世界各地探險的狂熱,期望到遙遠的島嶼旅行或是研讀神話中各種幻想的、過去的或未來的世界,用意志力去戰勝任何的阻礙,信念是天下沒有不可能的事。
Personality of Iyang. Subaw: Born to be a dream chaser, he likes to be immersed in the fantasy adventures of faraway countries. The books and dreams that I read since I was young are full of enthusiasm for exploring all over the world, looking forward to distant islands. Traveling or studying various fantasy, past or future worlds in mythology, using willpower to overcome any obstacles, faith is nothing impossible in the world.

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★【Dream DODO ZOO 夢想方塊動物園 】Manta birostris"鬼蝠魟英文老師"(鬼鬼)113 ›› ★Dream ›› DODO ›› ZOO ›› 夢想方塊動物園 ›› Manta ›› birostris鬼蝠魟英文老師
人氣點閱: 1215, 回覆: 0, 2020-08-27
113. ●【DODO ZOO方塊動物-Manta birostris】"鬼蝠魟英文老師"(鬼鬼)
Ghostbat analyzes your English ability, personality and goals in multiple directions to find a suitable online learning strategy,
Allows you to realize the fun of Western cultural education without knowing it.
★Alice misA心夢品牌By Hoelex浩理斯
●【Dream DODO ZOO 夢想方塊動物園 】
粉絲頁>>> https://www.facebook.com/DreamDODOZoo

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★【神奇守護幻獸-Magical Guardian Eudemons】克蘇魯神話Cthulhu Mythos-hoele ›› ★神奇守護幻獸-Magical ›› Guardian ›› Eudemons克蘇魯神話Cthulhu ›› My
人氣點閱: 1512, 回覆: 0, 2020-08-25
★【神奇守護幻獸-Magical Guardian Eudemons】克蘇魯神話Cthulhu Mythos-hoelex
克蘇魯神話(英語:Cthulhu Mythos)是以霍華德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特的小說世界為基礎
原文網址: https://kknews.cc/history/mkkeaj6.html
神奇守護幻獸Painter教學作品欣賞>> http://hoelex513.pixnet.net/blog/post/346311091

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