人氣點閱: 1143, 回覆: 0, 2021-06-05★ Alice misA -心夢粉紅茶杯屋MOMO Pink Tea Cup House
在夢境中有一間餐桌城市住著名為MOMO Pink:有時表現溫柔,有時情緒火爆,一位為了愛勇敢捍衛孩子的母親,才藝賽聲樂評審導師,擁有一棟粉紅奶酪茶杯屋,經常在裡面舉辦茶會,曾獲得才藝賽冠軍而成為大臣。
There is a dining table in the dreamland. The city is famous as MOMO Pink: sometimes be gentle, sometimes emotional, a mother who bravely defends her child for love, a talent contest vocal review instructor, has a pink cheese teacup house, often in it He held a tea party and became a minister after winning the championship of a talent contest.
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