人氣點閱: 2393, 回覆: 2, 2022-05-31

(1 個評分 Rating 6)
★NFT- 塔哇歐瑪司x 故宮聯名款-百駿圖SSR
報導:故宮聯名 NFT 第二波上架!看臺灣原創插畫翻玩故宮典藏
本商品創意來自於國立故宮博物院院藏品「清郎世寧百駿圖 卷」,義大利籍清代宮廷畫家郎世寧作品也是十大傳世名畫之一,融入了台灣風味原住民的守護精靈塔哇歐瑪司與牧者和睦與整個馬群輕鬆的午後時光,可以看見馬兒們姿勢各異,立、奔、跪、臥,可謂曲盡駿馬之態,體現了一種人與自然界其它生物間的和諧關係。
The design of this item is inspired by the National Palace Museum’s collection"One Hundred Horses", The Italian-born Qing Dynasty court painter Lang Shining's work is also one of the top ten handed down famous paintings. It integrates the Taiwanese-style aboriginal guardian elves Twa'omas in harmony with the shepherd and the relaxed afternoon time of the entire horse herd. Seeing the horses in different postures, standing, running, kneeling, lying down, can be described as the state of the horse, which reflects a harmonious relationship between human beings and other creatures in nature.
塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス
“Taiwanese Aboriginal Story” is a legendary historic story of mountain tribes in Taiwan. The life elements formed the guardian spirits vividly by water, sun, and wind created by twa’omas. Those add on colorful and incredible stories for Austronesian
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