人氣點閱: 638, 回覆: 2, 2023-06-01
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台-Alice misA心夢幻鏡
熱愛畫圖與唱歌的女主角,輕龐克穿著的19歲少女,擁有頭與眾不同的天然刺蝟金髮,習慣帶著煙燻妝黑色指甲油,一臉看起來就很不好親近的樣子,經歷過不堪回首的童星過去,但靠著吸引力法則走出陰霾,擁有治癒型嗓音,較自我中心,做事情全憑感覺。代表甜點:愛心奶油戚風糕Love Cream Chiffon Cake、象徵太陽Sun
The heroine who loves drawing and singing, a 19-year-old girl in light punk clothes, has a distinctive natural hedgehog blond hair, is used to wearing black nail polish with smoky makeup, and looks very unfriendly, A child star who has experienced the unbearable past, but relies on the law of attraction to get out of the haze, has a healing voice, is more self-centered, and does things based on feeling. Representative desserts: Love Cream Chiffon Cake, Symbol of the Sun
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