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hiroshi18(hiroshi18) :: hiroshi18 美術繪圖作品畫廊 人氣點閱: 158334

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< Year of the Snake 2025: 蛇來運轉迎祥瑞 > ›› hiroshi ›› newyear ›› chinesenewyear ›› 新年 ›› 2025 ›› snake ››
人氣點閱: 276, 回覆: 1, 2025-01-29
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
Happy Chinese New Year of the Snake!
蛇來運轉迎祥瑞 富貴盈門佑平安

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<Year of the Dragon 2024: 七星匯聚神龍現> ›› hiroshi ›› newyear ›› chinesenewyear ›› 新年 ›› 2024 ›› dragon ››
人氣點閱: 3619, 回覆: 1, 2024-02-09
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon!
七星匯聚神龍現 心想事成遂如願

今年幫各位召喚神龍 (不用謝! XD)
祝各位心想事成 美夢成真

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<Year of the Rabbit 2023: 兔飛猛進創佳績> ›› hiroshi ›› newyear ›› chinesenewyear ›› 新年 ›› 2023 ›› rabbit ››
人氣點閱: 631, 回覆: 1, 2023-01-21
(2 個評分 Rating 6)
Happy New Year of the Rabbit!
宏兔大展拓新疆 兔飛猛進創佳績

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<Year of the Tiger 2022: 臥虎蓄勢迎壬寅> ›› hiroshi ›› newyear ›› tigernewyear ›› 新年 ›› 2022 ›› tiger ››
人氣點閱: 1317, 回覆: 1, 2022-02-01
(2 個評分 Rating 5.5)
Happy Lunar New Year of the Tiger!
臥虎蓄勢迎壬寅 一躍縱橫馳千里

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<Year of the Ox 2021: 牛轉乾坤行大運> ›› hiroshi ›› newyear ›› chinesenewyear ›› 新年 ›› 2021 ›› ox ›› bull ››
人氣點閱: 1142, 回覆: 1, 2021-02-11
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!
牛轉乾坤行大運 財運犇騰慶新春

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<Year of the Rat 2020: 鼠穎描春成畫稿> ›› 🐭 ›› hiroshi ›› lunarnewyear ›› 新年 ›› 2020 ›› rat ›› mouse ››
人氣點閱: 1623, 回覆: 2, 2020-01-25
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
Happy Chinese New Year of the Rat!
鼠穎描春成畫稿 萬千氣象開新景


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