人氣點閱: 3703, 回覆: 1, 2011-10-05

(4 個評分 Rating 5)
photoshop / 2hr50min
這個天使系列也停了大概4個月左右,絕對不是我懶了或厭倦的關係ˋ A ˊ!雖然還有其他事情要做,不過有空的時候我還是會趕快把這個系列完成(其實是因為新畫冊也該開始排版了,希望這個系列能趕得上)
Illustration work painted at 20111005,
The series of "ANGEL" has been paused for a long time about 4 month ago. I really want to finish it but i have another works have to do. therefore , when i get free time that i will keep finish this series.
On the other hand, it's hard to maintain the same style for this painting to followed the picture's manner before, but for keeping all of the girl looks like under the uniform theme, i will try my best.
Hope you like it.
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