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.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)

2013-12-08 19:47 回應留言 💬 | |


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下午 07:44 2013/12/8


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)


2013-12-08 16:44 回應留言 💬 | |



(RL 注: 請先閱讀 “ 耶穌撒南達:

大事件發生之後會馬上發生什麼事? 以及

20131212 日全球大冥想” 文, 才能明白此文用法. )

Please Join Me, Everybody & Share Widely

每個人, 請加入我, 並請廣泛分享轉載此文!

Posted by beth on December 6, 2013 at 8:32amView Blog




December 12, 2013 The Portal Opening to Changeover at New Earth A Global Meditation with Lord Sananda, the Admiral and Lord Ashtar, the Captain

20131212 日'星門開啟'

入“ 新地球大轉變” 中的


~~ 與海軍上將耶穌撒南達王,


This is Kalki Maitreya, through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 5, 2013

這是Kalki Maitreya 彌勒佛

透過Elizabeth Trutwin 傳導, 20131205.

Greetings Warriors of Light. Ground Crew.

大家好! 光的戰士們! 地面部隊們.

You are Pure Consciousness. You are Whole. You are Complete. You are Enlightened.

你們是純粹的覺知意識! 你們是' 全部'!

你們是 '完整' ! 你們是開悟的!

You Possess Great Knowledge. This Illusion we live in, created is transitory. Transforming Earth from the Unreality. Do Not Dream. Wake Up! You Are Dreaming. Awake! Arise! And be with Yourself. You possess all the Love, all the Joy , the Nectar of Immortality. Come to Yourself. Come out of the Veil of Illusion. Remove That Curtain! There is nothing lacking in you. You have all you need. You are the Embodiment of Peace, Prosperity and Love.



~~ 只是暫時的而已.

把地球從“ 不真實的實相” 中轉變出來吧!

別做夢了! 醒來吧!

你在做夢! 醒來! 起來!

跟你的 ' 本我' 在一起!

你擁有所有的愛, 所有的歡樂,

以及' 永生的甘露'!

來到你的' 本我'!

從幻覺的帷幕之後走出來吧! 拉開布幕!

你其實什麼也不缺! 你擁有你所需要的全部!

你就是“ 和平”, “ 富裕” 與“ 愛” 的化身!

Each one present was volunteering to be stand-in surrogates for all life on this planet--200 million galactically seeded expressions, and the Planet itself--through doing this healing inside the Master Hologram of this Universe Nebadon.

現場所有的人都是自願~~ 在2 億年前~~


“ 替身代理人” 的“ 銀河星際種子表達( 人)”,

以及這行星她自己 ---

透過在這 “ 內巴頓宇宙” 的

主要全息影像~~ 做這個療癒的人!

Today we were joined by:


Beloved Presence of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Mahadevi, Cosmic Council of Twelve, Twenty-F​​​​our Elders that surround the Throne of Grace, Mother Sekhmet, Melchizedek, Metatron, Archangels Michael and Faith, all Elohi Councils of the Light of God, Archangels of the Tree of Life, all the Archangels and Angels of the Light of God,

我們敬愛的上帝,基督,聖靈,梵天,毘濕奴,濕婆,Mahadevi ,十二使徒大宇宙理事會, 圍繞著源頭王座的二十四位長老神,母親賽克麥特,大天使麥基洗德,大天使梅​​塔特隆,天使長米迦勒( 大天使麥克) 和信念,所有Elohi 議會的上帝之光, 大天使們的生命樹之光,所有的天使和上帝的聖光天使們,

St. Germain, Sri Aurobindo, Hyos Ha Kodoish, Paradise Sons, all The Monads of the billions of Souls incarnated on Earth, Great Divine Director, Melchior, Lord and Lady of Sirius, Lenduce, Vywamus, Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians , Sanat Kumara, Atlanto, Adonis, Archangel Sandalphon, Hermes~Thoth, Lord Lincor, Kla-la, Mon-ka, Korton K17, Tom the Ring Tail Cat, Helios and Vesta, Ashtar, Athena and the Asthar Command, Archangels Jophiel and Christine, Chamuel and Charity, Gabriel and Hope, Raphael and Mother Mary, Uriel and Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst,

聖哲曼大師,Sri Aurobindo 奧羅賓多,Hyos 哈Kodoish ,天堂父子,數十億的靈魂化身地球,大神董事,Melchior 梅爾基奧爾,天狼星王與夫人,Lenduce ,Vywamus ,大角星的王與夫人, 以及所有的大角星人,Sanat Kumara 薩納特庫馬拉蘭多Atlanto ,阿多尼斯Adonis ,大天使Sandalphon ,Hermes~Thoth 愛馬仕? 透特,主LINCOR ,KLA-LA ,Mon-ka ,Korton K17 ,湯姆的環尾貓,Helios and Vesta 太陽神和灶神星,阿斯塔,阿西娜女神和Asthar 司令,大天使Jophiel 和Christine 恭,Chamuel 和Charity 慈善,大天使加布里埃爾和希望,拉斐爾和聖母瑪利亞,Uriel 烏列和Aurora 極光,Zadkiel 薩基爾與Amethyst 紫晶,

Elohi Hercules and Amazonia, Apollo and Lumina, Heros and Amora, Purity and Astrea, Cyclopia and Virginia, Peace and Aloha, Arcturus and Victoria, Mahachohan, Allah Gobi, Hua Hu Ching, Lao Tzu, The Emerald Buddha, Lord Buddha, Babaji, Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahasaya, Zoser, Dr. Lorphan and all The Galactic Healers,

Elohi 大力士和Amazonia 亞馬遜,阿波羅和Lumina 的,Heros and Amora 英雄和阿莫拉,純度和ASTREA ,Cyclopia and Virginia 獨眼畸形和弗吉尼亞,和平與阿羅哈,大角星和維多利亞,Mahachohan ,真主戈壁,劃弧易經,老子,翡翠佛,佛主,巴巴吉,Yogananda ,斯里蘭卡Yukteswar ,Lahiri Mahasaya, 拉希里瑪哈賽,Zoser 祖塞爾,Lorphan 博士和所有的銀河治療師,

Platinum Angels, Sai Baba, Rama, Krishna, Kabir, Rumi, Pantanjali, The Lady Masters, Lady Cassiopeia, Lady Helena, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Quan Yin, Pallas Athena, Portia, Anandamayi Ma, Saradamani Devi, Lakshmi, Lady Master Nada, the Six Buddhas of Activity, El Morya, Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Djwhal Khul, Office of the Christ, Office of The Divine Mother, all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram and all Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian,

白金天使,Sai Baba 賽巴巴,Rama 父親,Krishna 克里希納,Kabir 卡比爾,Rumi 魯米,Pantanjali ,夫人大師們,Lady Cassiopeia 仙后座夫人,夫人海倫娜,Isis 多風,Horus 荷魯斯,Osiris, 奧西里斯,觀音,阿西娜,Portia 艾梅,Anandamayi 馬,Saradamani 德維,Lakshmi 拉克什米,娜達夫人,行動六佛,El Morya, 薩爾瓦多Morya ,Kuthumi ,主彌勒,Djwhal Khul ,基督的辦公室,神聖母親的辦公室,所有同修弟子從合成紀念館和基督,塞拉皮斯Bey 的所有七雷Ahsrams ,Paul the Venetian 保羅威尼斯,

Hilarion, Sananda, KOS, Saint Germain, Eagle Command, Celestial Command, Order of the Golden Robe, the Earth Mother, Dolphins and Whales, Pan, Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, the Devic and Nature Spirits, the Elemental Kingdom, Ganesha, the Manifestation Council,

Hilarion 伊拉里,撒南達,KOS 劍王,聖哲曼大師,Eagle Command, 鷹命令,天堂命令Celestial Command ,金長袍會,地球母親,海豚和鯨魚,潘,動物王國,植物王國,礦產,the Devic 德維克和自然精神的元素王國,Ganesha 像頭神,


Divine Mother, Silent Watcher of the Cosmos, Lady of the Sun, Lady Liberty, Lady of the Light, the Native American Master Elders, Hanuman, Multi-Universal Logos, Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light, the Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance, Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command, the Goddess Lodge, the Christed ET Lodge, the Eastern Masters Lodge, the Occult Western Lodge, the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, the Core Group and Friends:

神聖的母親,宇宙的沉默的守望者,太陽夫人, 自由夫人, 光夫人, 美洲原住民長老法師,Hanuman 哈努曼,Multi-Universal Logos 多宇宙標誌,星際愛與​​光明協會,外星守護者聯盟的星際聯邦法庭理事會,銀河領導太陽審查會,女神小屋中,克里斯托ET 小屋,東方大師旅館,隱密西方旅館,整個行星和宇宙層次,核心小組,朋友們:

We set intentions today for future Earth. We planted seeds on the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal levels going back to the God Head for healing of all forms of life on the Planet and Healing All Disease.

我們今天為了未來的地球而定下目標 .

我們已經種植下種子在行星, 太陽, 銀河,

宇宙, 多重宇宙層面~~ 直回溯到上帝源頭



As we did this timelines back to our Origin were healed. Galactic Angels rewove the ascension fabric of every woman, child and man, past, present and future on Mother Earth and the changes were anchored in back to the 100th Dimension of the Cosmos in Wholeness .....continues


回到我們' 源頭家鄉' 的時間線就被修理好了. 銀河天使們重織在母親地球上的~~~ 每個女人, 小孩, 以及男人的“ 揚升的網線”~~ 以及

過去, 現在和未來的“ 揚升的網線” ~~~

而 “ 大轉變”

已經被錨定回大宇宙的整體的第一百維度之中… 還持續著


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)


2013-12-08 16:29 回應留言 💬 | |

2013 12 12 全球冥想
12 12 Portal Opening Global Meditation Elizabeth Trutwin

I am making a Clarion Call to all Lightworkers to join in Meditation for the final Portal Opening of this year on 12/12/13. Lord Maitreya has written a message for this Global Meditation and the link is within this message. This is an hour meditation. Kalki Maitreya is the return of Father God on Earth. He has written an Invocation which has its basis in Universal Law. It contains mantras which are the seed sounds of creation. These are the vibrations which emanate from the Causal Realm and bring New Earth into the Physical Realm. They are profoundly healing. As you listen to this Meditation, which I encourage you to do as often as you like beginning now, you are receiving a deep Blessing for your life. Please share it widely and join us in Meditation on 12:12:13. Feel free to ask your friends to Meditate with you using the recording. Playing these seed sounds in your environment changes your nature. It will empower you to manifest changes into your life. The Highest Forces of Light will join with you on 12:12 for the Portal Opening and the Event continues to unfold in Divine Order as it should. Namaste! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 5, 2013 © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/
The Mandala in this video was used with permission. If you decide to use this video for your own purpose, please credit the original artist, (see below).

This fractal energy mandala was created by Keith Allen Kay at fractalenergymandala.com

下午 04:24 2013/12/8


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)

2013-12-08 16:20 回應留言 💬 | |

UCI Road World Championships - Elite Women - Netherlands - 2012

下午 02:22 2013/12/8







下午 02:38 2013/12/8

愛爾達電視 運動PLAY吧 2012台灣登山王

下午 03:20 2013/12/8


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)


2013-12-08 16:19 回應留言 💬 | |

【銀河聯邦】【SaLuSa】2013年12月6日信息(2013-12-07 220143)
















下午 03:49 2013/12/8



你們每一個人都擁有知識 ~~

現在就可以 ' 揚升' 完畢.

這只是一個移過下一個步驟的事情而已! 你們一些人研究過

“ 小宇宙法律” , “ 真相真理”.



成為“真相真理” 吧!

你們許多人已經完成了“ 內在的工作” ~~

已經熱烈地, 非常嚴肅的扮演你的角色許多許多年了.

這些一們~~ 會與他們的“ 雙生光靈魂” 立即重聚~~ 在' 大降落' 之後!




沒有什麼是你需要做的事~~ 來讓此事發生!!!


與你在這裡所看到的功能失調的關係做比較! 也不要對你的“雙生光靈魂”感到

害怕膽怯! ~~

這是另一半的你 ! 就是你自己 !

離婚的人口中~~~ 有一半~~

是因為他們結婚的對像是' 靈魂伴侶'.

這些關係帶來了 ' 療癒的功課' ~~

那是無法用別的方法--- 如此徹底的去經驗到的!

這種關係“ 不是” 你的“雙生光靈魂” !

每個人都有一個“雙生光靈魂” !





除了​​一個是男的, 而一個是女的之外!

是時候讓“雙生光靈魂”們在地球上重聚了! ~~

因為他們會匯集他們的力量一起' 合一'


當你與你的“ 雙生光靈魂”在一起時,

你會知道 ~~ 因為沒有不確定感.

你 “ 知道”!



隨著每個人做他 “ 內在的工作”,

拋下不安全感, 恥辱, 罪惡感, 懷疑,

而回復到 “ 完整” 當中,


他們的“雙生光靈魂” . ~~

這是“ 恢復完整” 的最後一步路 ~~

所以需要完成“內心的工作” ~ ~


這件事~~ 會發生!


在結尾, 我要對所有光工們

~~ 做一個響亮的號召~~

來參與今年20131212 日


Lord Maitreya 彌勒佛

~~ 為了這個“ 全球冥想”~~ 寫了一個訊息,



Kalki Maitreya 彌勒佛~~

是地球上 ' 父神' 的回歸.

他寫了一個 “ 全球冥想會祈禱文”

~~ 是基於 “ 小宇宙法律” 的!

此文包含了一些 “ 咒語” ~~

是 “ 創造的種子音” !

這些振動是從' 因果層' 放射出來的,

而且將' 新地球' 帶入' 物質層'.



~~ 會改變你的性情,

會增強你在你的人生中顯化' 改變' 的能力!

最高的光能量會在20131212 日與你們一起

為 ' 星門開啟' 以及 ' 地球大事件'

持續在神聖秩序中揭幕而祈禱 ~~


下午 03:59 2013/12/8


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)


2013-12-08 13:54 回應留言 💬 | |


下午 01:51 2013/12/8


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)

2013-12-08 09:56 回應留言 💬 | |

手搖自行車 奔馳在風中

上午 09:50 2013/12/8


.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.(WM)


2013-12-08 09:50 回應留言 💬 | |

25歲小夥騎自行車從北京到尼泊爾 集下各地郵戳

上午 09:48 2013/12/8

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