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「有功無賞,打破要賠」「吃力不討好」的英文:"Thankless Tasks", "Unrewarding Jobs"
Type(Type) 2015/9/24 01:28

「有功無賞,打破要賠」的英文:Thankless; Unrewarding; Punish failure, yet no reward on success


1. 「有功則賞,有過則罰」「賞罰分明」的英文翻譯: Reward success, punish failures. Reward and Punish fairly.

2. 「有功無賞,打破要賠」的英文翻譯: "Thankless Tasks", "Unrewarding Jobs", "Punish failures, yet no reward on success."

=> Adj. 「吃力不討好」「費力不討好(的)」: "Thankless", "Unenviable", "Unrewarding"

例句 #1: 「當免費的 MIS 」

Adam: "I will visit Mary's house and assemble her a DIY PC for doing digital painting creation this weekend."

Smith: "Well, that would be a thankless job eventually, I guess."

例句 #2: 「貢獻自由軟體社群」

Paul: "Contributing your bug-fix patch to this community will help the free software world better."

Bill: "I agree mostly, yet in some special scenario, you might find it will be an unrewarding task."

3. 有這種狀況嗎? 「賞罰錯亂」 ==> 「Punish success, reward failures」

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"「有功無賞,打破要賠」「吃力不討好」的英文:"Thankless Tasks", "Unrewarding Jobs"" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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