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catch up with / catch up on / catch up in 意思,用法與範例
service(staff) 2014/7/22 11:37

catch up with / catch up on / catch up in 意思,用法與範例

(1) Catch up with <Something>

例句: I will try to catch up with the your schedule.

(2) Catch up with <Someone>

(2.a) 「趕上」某人/「追上」某組織/與某團體「並駕齊驅」

例句: Our startup business has caught up with top players in the market six months ago.

(2.b) Catch up with <Self> 也有「造成問題/報應/自作自受/自業自得」的英文意思

範例句: Their cheating behaviors might catchup with them very soon.

(3) Catch up on <Something>


例句: After two weeks' off, I have to catch up on these newly created reports.
(中文翻譯: 休假兩週後,我必須趕快消化這些新產生的報告!)

(4) Catch up on <Someone>

==> 受詞為「人/組織」這種用法比較少 or 罕見這種用。

(5) Catch up in: 用法同 Catch up on,但也較少看到。

(6) 摘要:

(6.a) 最安全就是使用 catch up with <someone or something>
(6.b) 如果有 "消化資訊/文件" 的意思, 則用 catch up on 也 OK

[更多討論] 英文英語討論區、英翻中、中翻英、英文單字詞彙意思與用法

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