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Hello everyone! 2006-03-19 01:47
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Hello everyone, my name is Delianna, you call me delia, anna or rose. ^0^

i like graphic desgin, drawing, diy stuff, painting, read and surfing on the web. i am gald that i found this web site, it is nice to have a place to talk about art.^^

my style is no style....^^"...我也不知道啦,抽象?或是詭異風格?
我對詭異的風格很有好感,對色彩明亮的也很有好感. 對於寫實嘛...我很欣賞很佩服...喜歡倒是OK

This is one of the old works, the photo wasn't taken that great. Media are mark pen and color pencil. This drawing is about nothing, just for fun and desginy look.^^ DSCF0112.JPG
This is one of the old works, the photo wasn't taken that great. Media are mark pen and color pencil. This drawing is about nothing, just for fun and desginy look.^^DSCF0112.JPG


暱稱: Delianna
註冊: 2006-03-19
發表: 1
來自: Taiwan
V幣: 40

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