we cannot start skype because your system is unavailable
You may already have tried: but Futile to launch skype
(1) Unsinstall --> Re-install Skype --> Restart Windows
(2) Delete folder & registry that contains "skype"
(3) SKype may ask you to chkdsk
Possible Root causes:
Skype was unable to handle error properly, especially "file access I/O error" on "%TMP%" or "%TEMP%" folder
That is,
if you got some exception in "%tmp% or %temp%" or the folder temp\skype is damaged,
skype CAN NOT handle that very well.
ie. Skype has poor exception-handling on SKYPE-TEMP-folder I/O error.
Windows --> Run --> cmd.exe
cd %tmp%
C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Temp> cd Skype
C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Temp\Skype> del *.*
C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Temp\Skype> del *
How to resolve "because your system is unavailable"
(a) Confirm that your %TMP% or %TEMP% is well located;
Sometimes, you may revise temp on some remove-able media;
once the folder is removal, you will see Disk I/O Error or System Unavailable.
Or, sometimes, the folder is really damaged (because of power failures or disk-failures) and you nor skype can't delete that.
(b) If chkdsk (check disk) won't help you at all, and you can't delete that either, try "rename" the folder to "__Skype20141207"
then restart the Skype again.
Then, Skype shall re-create the Temp-Skype Folder, you will be able to launch Skype again
Suggestion to Skype
Skype shall handle such temp-folder error or disk I/O error more gracefully.
e.g. Crate 2nd temp folder within "C:\" root or "%TMP%"; report the error in the mean time as well