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Google Chrome 所有參數選項 - Command Line Parameters 2010-02-18 20:09 分類: ✔️google ✔️chrome ✔️options 個人: ✔️google ✔️chrome ✔️options |
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Google Chrome 參數選項
Common Used Chrome Command Line Parameters
--disable-images (Disable Images Display :: 不顯示圖片)
--disable-javascript (Disable Javascript :: 關閉 JavaScript)
--disable-java (Disable Java Applet :: 關閉 Java Applet)
--disable-audio (Disable Audio/Sounds in html :: 關閉網站音樂音效)
--kiosk (Full-Screen acted like a KIOSK :: 全螢幕不可 F11 調整)
--user-data-dir (Assign User History/Bookmark :: 指定書籤和歷史瀏覽記錄目錄)
--user-agent="XXXX" (Assign User-Agent :: 指定 user-agent)
--crash-test (Simulate an Exception :: 模擬 Chrome 當機)
--disable-plugins (Close all PlugIns :: 關閉所有 Plug-Ins)
--no-sandbox (No Sandbox features :: 可解決部分開啟時問題)
--no-default-browser-check (Disable Default-Chrome-Browser Check :: 關閉啟動時預設瀏覽器檢查)
--experimental-spellchecker-features (Enable Chrome Spell-Check like Firefox :: 開啟實驗性拼字檢查)
--first-run (Simulate First Run with Welcom Msg)
--start-maximized (Maximized on Start :: 開啟時最大化,和 F11 不一樣)
--incognito (Incognito Private Mode :: 無痕視窗)
--disable-popup-blocking (關閉封鎖彈出式視窗,不需要一個一個關閉封鎖)
--disk-cache-dir="X:/" (Google Chrome Assign Disk Cache Dir 指定暫存檔快取目錄)
e.g. https://vovo2000.com/f/viewtopic-335822.html#151227
Close & Shutdown all Google Chrome instances beofre launched in command line
要先關閉所有的 Chrome 視窗,新的參數才會生效
"c:\Documents and Settings\{Your-Account}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --experimental-spellchecker-features
"c:\Documents and Settings\{Your-Account}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --incognito
"c:\Documents and Settings\{Your-Account}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk
"c:\Documents and Settings\{Your-Account}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized
"c:\Documents and Settings\{Your-Account}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-images
"c:\Documents and Settings\{Your-Account}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-javascript
Extracted by UltraEdit32
All Google Chrome Parameters
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暱稱: Type 註冊: 2002-11-30 發表: 11199 來自: vovo2000.com
V幣: 901989
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: Type 註冊: 2002-11-30 發表: 11199 來自: vovo2000.com
V幣: 901989