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Ultraedit v15 下載 (v14.x 用戶可原來序號升級)

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人氣點閱:18623 發表人
Ultraedit v15 下載 (v14.x 用戶可原來序號升級) 2009-04-23 22:31
分類: ✔️ultraedit ✔️序號
個人: ✔️ultraedit ✔️序號
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Ultraedit v15 下載 (v14.x 用戶可原來序號升級)

Ultraedit 15 2009 四月已經發售!

之前一年內購買 ultraedit 14.x 的使用者,
憑原來的「序號、註冊名稱、e-Mail 等資訊」,可以「免費升級 Upgrade to Ultraedit 15」!

Ultraedit 15 下載 => http://www.ultraedit.com/downloads/ultraedit_download.html

Ultraedit v14 免費升級到 Ultraedit v15 方式

1. 一年內(十二個月)內購買過 Ultraedit v14.xx 或者之前版本

2. 擁有 Ultraedit v14 註冊的序號、E-mail 和序號所屬的使用者

3. 到 IDM 的 Upgrade 網站準備升級

4. 24 小時內會收到 IDM 寄給你的 Ultraedit v15 的序號 mail !
一般來說大概 20 分鐘就收到了!下面那封 Mail

5. 下載 Ultraedit v15 然後用「新的序號 (new auth code)」,舊的 v14 old serial number 只能用在 Ultraedit v14。

Dear vovo2000.XXX,

You are receiving this email as a result of your request for a complimentary upgrade to UltraEdit.

All IDM products come with complimentary upgrades for 1-year from the date of paid registration. Based on the registration information you provided in our web form, your last PAID registration/upgrade is within this 12 month complimentary period or your original order included unlimited upgrades.

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and have listed your new registration information as follows:

Registration Instructions

PLEASE Note - You MUST enter the user name EXACTLY as shown including EVERYTHING between the quotes but NOT including the quotes. If you enter any other name it will NOT match the code and will not work.

The easiest way to enter the code correctly is to copy this entire message using the clipboard and paste it into the registration dialog after selecting the "Paste from Email" option.

UltraEdit Registration

Your registration name is:

(The registration name is case sensitive, and should be entered without quotes).

Authorization Code for any v15.x version of UltraEdit released within 12 months of your purchase**:


(Ignore first and last quote, code has multiple sets of 5 letters, separated by a hyphen (-).)

UltraEdit Download Link

You may download the most current version of UltraEdit at the following URL:


**** Existing customer important notice ****

You are eligible for large discounts on upgrades to UltraCompare Professional, UEStudio and our other shareware bundles.

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please use the link below to view the specials only available to existing customers:


Thanks again for your interest in IDM products.

Ian and Team

Phone: 513.892.8600
FAX: 513.892.4915
Email: support@idmcomp.com

**Complimentary Upgrade Policy: Your paid new/upgrade license registration is entitled to 1 year of complimentary upgrades to all Major and Minor releases. Complimentary upgrades are not driven by version number or point release, but rather the 12 month period following the date of paid registration. Because IDM only maintains the latest production release of its titles, complimentary upgrades must be requested within the 12 month eligibility period.

You provided the following information:
Registration name: "vovo2000.XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Current Email: "XXXXXX@vovo2000.XXX"
Org-Email: "XXXXXX@vovo2000.XXX"
Version: ""
Product: "UltraEdit"
Ultraedit Authorization Code Ultraedit-v14-free-upgrade-v15.jpg
Ultraedit Authorization CodeUltraedit-v14-free-upgrade-v15.jpg


美術插畫設計案子報價系統 v0.1 Beta

暱稱: Type
註冊: 2002-11-30
發表: 11202
來自: vovo2000.com
V幣: 901996

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