[#382367] 上傳作品
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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★阿美族 Amis
Author hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) hoelex 浩理斯 AlicemisA 心夢品牌 twaomas 塔哇歐瑪司 トワオマス 台灣風味原住民 台灣 Taiwan Aboriginal 原住民 寶島 人文 歷史 文化 品牌藝術家 BrandArtist 阿美族 Amis 巴奇達魯 Pacidal 巴奈 Panay 七彩布裙 水稻 飛鼠祭 阿里嘎蓋 巨人異族傳說 月亮男神 太陽女神
hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [20/02/8 11:18] ★阿美族 Amis
Pacidal (巴奇達魯)
Moon god Malataw/Seven colors skirt
Sun god Donngy/Flying squirrelfestival
Alikakay/Legend of Giant
The traditional festivals of the Amis include the harvest festival, sowing festival (millet), fishing festival, sea festival, praying festival, and praying festival.
The contents of many ceremonies originally had strict separation between men and women, or taboos, but they were more or less obscured by the changing times.
The abundance festival is an important sacrifice ceremony for the Amis. Its importance is equivalent to that of the Chinese Lunar Year.
It will be held in July, August, and September each year, and is mainly held in the post-harvest season;
The number of days varies by tribe and is generally determined by the elders of each tribe.
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