WAKE UP! P-Angel
Author purehay(purehay) P-Angel 奇幻插畫
purehay(purehay) [07/05/8 16:44] This is my new piece named “Wake up! P-Angel”. The story is about the white hair girl, the owner of P-Angel, to find out her partner who lost at white universe. This is the main motor of P-Angel. Finally, she found it at one secret space of white universe. After that she used her pure-force to wake it up and leave out from there and back to her country for protection.
For the operation of this CG, I used Photoshop to paint the color and adjusted white color tune to express the feeling of pure; the feeling of lighting seems like representing church. Also, there are not many colors changing within for balancing the composition of whole objects. Thank you very much!
leonardoe314(edward) [07/05/8 16:48] CGTALK有看過
leonardoe314(edward) [07/05/8 17:11] 氣勢挺讚的 😈
song(song) [07/05/8 18:33] 真的是超厲害的阿!!!!! 😱 😱 😱
lycra(小小小島) [07/05/8 18:46] 這太COOL了
Garret(肆肆) [07/05/8 20:59] 好棒!! 😬
Junx(Jun+) [07/05/8 21:40] good job! 😉
1982(阿賢) [07/05/9 0:25] 😃 😃 😃 😃 一個字~屌~!我喜歡
purehay(purehay) [07/05/9 1:14] 謝謝, 因為在除了希望在CGtalk與外國人交流外, 也希望與台灣, 中國的同好一同
交流, 請多多指教! ^0^
ywmmwan(碧瞳) [07/05/9 18:02] 😱 😱 😱 😱
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