Author purehay(purehay) 九龍 kowloon painter 插畫 香港
purehay(purehay) [07/05/7 21:46] This is the night view of old Kowloon city around 60-70’s period but now we are difficult to find it again because of Government’s policy. Therefore, I try to find this element in historical ancient area and history center in Hong Kong. I took many photos and those excited me to draw about the view of Kowloon city. I created the night view to express the lighting extended from buildings, and also mixed with some shop signs and Leon lights. These elements are features of Hong Kong light view.
For the couple, I want to express the life mix with their house, they feel relax to sit on the shop sign. For the drawing style, I used painter with pastel brush and try to use more color tune to express the colorful world.
914027(雞肉飯) [07/05/7 21:48] 好危險的舉動!
jason(霽秋) [07/05/7 22:20] 😬 哇!厲害!看的我眼睛都花了
dodo38yeh(12345) [07/05/7 22:25] 去過香港一次
azmoon(AZhi) [07/05/7 23:42] 把香港熱鬧的夜晚表現的淋漓盡致阿~~~!
HT(熟悉的陌生人) [07/05/7 23:42] 哇 😬 ....
purehay(purehay) [07/05/8 0:29] 謝謝大家, 其實這是之前與朋友的game design project 的moodboard 來的,
希望另組員了解這game style的方向.
stranger(阿乃) [07/05/8 1:42] 好高~~~
lawbye2(Ephes) [07/05/8 5:18] ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 僅顯示 10 篇,請點選作品,或主題觀看全部回應 [前往頁面: 1, 2, 3 ]
目前回應: 33
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