hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [20/03/25 10:57] ★【愛麗絲的善與惡的世界 Alice's Good and Evil World】
★【ALICE MISA心夢品牌人物設計/二創二等身Q版/Painter教學】
http://hoelex513.pixnet.net/blog/post/349190806 我畫的是我最愛的1951年Disney迪士尼公司發行動畫電影中的愛麗絲。
I drew Alice from my favorite Disney animated movie released in 1951.
Incorporates Alice from the Dark Department of the 2000 PC game horror classic.
The good and evil of the human heart are not judged by appearance, everything is only in one thought.