抱歉我用一下英文, 原文是英文.
本文期限/過期日: 沒有
公司名稱: 偉易達集團香港總部
Graphic Designer
1. 擅長Maya和Photoshop.
2. 可獨立完成遊戲的: 建模, 材質, 動畫, 特效, 介面等等.
3. 需要適應不同的風格.
4. 有創意及繪圖能力.
Sr. Graphic Designer
5. 有遊戲製作經驗.
6. 獨立, 主動等等一切其他一般徵才都會寫的人格.
7. 可管理及帶領同事達成目標.
8. 流利英語和普通話佳.
1. TV遊戲平台的3D遊戲製作. 純潔無瑕兒童向.
2. Sr.必須經常往來香港深"土川".
工作時間: 每天上班8小時不包括lunch time, 一星期上5天班.
工作地點: 香港.
工資待遇: 薪金面議. 主要是找香港地區的, 所以並不會有房屋津貼那些... 有超時補薪, 12天有薪年假/Year, 醫療保險, 有薪婚假, 有薪喪假, 退休保險, 年尾雙糧, Bonus.
Email: yamadalei@vtech.com
MSN: yamadalei@hotmail.com
Senior 3D Graphic Designer (Ref : VTE/PDT)
Responsible for designing and producing 3D graphics for game projects.
Exceptional artistic talent and experienced in the game industry.
Expert level in Maya operation with good illustration skill
High proficiency in these areas: 3D modeling, 3D animation, texture mapping, world building, lighting, special effects, interface design, 2D animation, and concept drawing.
Adaptable to varying artistic styles and game genres under technical and time constraint
Efficient, reliable, and self motivated, requiring minimal supervision.
Overall control of freelancers and in-house artists in style consistency and maintain high standard of graphic quality
Frequent traveling to Shenzhen development office.
(2005-12-06 00:14)