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是什麼家族? 🤔

仙人掌家族? 🌵(2022-03-20 20:25)

>> 只要冒險者給它提供食物

你是說「獻出自己」嗎? 😂 😂(2022-03-19 19:43)

Type 寫到:
📱:「(Hey Siri / OK Google / Garmin) 請幫我導航到荷塘」

dreamingfire1016 寫到:


謝謝,請幫我導航到女精靈的心裡。(2022-03-17 16:25)

2022/03/16 Update status:

😂 30 days elapsed, I gave up using this retired Microsoft Lumia 950 as a Windows 11 ARM64(aarch64) remote test client ... Windows 11 is way too slow and lag on eMMC storage.

Now I will make this Lumia 950 reset in peace, again. 🥺

It was a good phone with nice camera and fast-n-clean Windows Mobile apps then, and Nokia Here Map is not bad (before it stopped the Lumia support); it is shame that Microsoft aborted Windows mobile projects so quickly.(2022-03-16 11:28)

This movie, this girl and that man are just classic.(2022-03-16 10:07)

不錯喔 👍

這是同人嗎? 還是原創?(2022-03-14 18:40)

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️(2022-03-14 18:39)

但抱歉,我感覺握劍的手有點像是布袋戲人偶。 😄

禮物送起來,禮物把女主角的門口堆滿,事情就結束。 🎁(2022-03-14 18:38)

👍 👍 👍(2022-03-11 11:20)

❤️ ❤️ 💕(2022-03-11 11:19)

📱:「(Hey Siri / OK Google / Garmin) 請幫我導航到荷塘」(2022-03-11 11:17)



我看的點就是正,哈哈 😘

不過,這種眼皮中間再畫「第三眼線」的,真的很吃臉阿 ...(2022-03-08 09:10)

mucha style(2022-03-05 11:23)

❤️ ❤️ ❤️(2022-03-05 11:23)

🙏 🙏 🙏(2022-03-05 11:22)

濟公 + 布袋和尚 😀(2022-03-05 11:22)

三太子 😀(2022-03-05 11:20)

cute 🥰(2022-03-05 11:19)

cute(2022-03-02 17:50)

你要報名義勇軍嗎,兄弟? 😎(2022-03-02 17:48)

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