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是自然界的智慧。(2023-04-07 10:46)

我還以為是雙胞胎 or 變身前後 😘(2023-03-30 22:33)

Bubu 母親節快樂(提早 50 天(2023-03-27 15:20)

❤️ ❤️(2023-03-27 12:30)

春季賞花愉快 🌸(2023-03-25 19:17)

跟在臘腸狗前面切開「狗蛋糕」一樣 😂(2023-03-25 18:39)

❤️ ❤️(2023-03-25 18:38)

cute 😊(2023-03-23 18:33)

chenchenghao 寫到:
是的 本廠在嘉義頭橋工業區 他目前布局東南亞與大陸皆有設廠 林董事長本身又喜歡攝影 這位爺爺是他在雲南聘請的模特兒之一 專為他公司拍宣傳

原來還有這段故事。 👍(2023-03-23 18:29)


是否有「狻猊鞍」之類的? 👍(2023-03-22 13:06)

King Kong WBC (金剛世界經典棒球賽) 🏏(2023-03-22 13:03)

👍 👍(2023-03-22 13:02)


「萬能水塔公司」是台灣的企業嗎?(2023-03-22 13:01)

🐔 👍(2023-03-22 13:00)

[h2]More reference for [B] flag in Apache2 RewriteRule[/h2]
👍 https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/flags.html


The [B] flag instructs RewriteRule to escape non-alphanumeric characters before applying the transformation.
(2023-03-21 12:06)

[h2]More RHEL/Ubuntu References about CVE-2023-25690[/h2]


Please use "apache2 -v" or "httpd -v" to check your apache2 version

Ubuntu 22.10: apache2 - 2.4.54-2ubuntu1.2
Ubuntu 22.04: apache2 - 2.4.52-1ubuntu4.4
Ubuntu 20.04: apache2 - 2.4.41-4ubuntu3.14
Ubuntu 18.04: apache2 - 2.4.29-1ubuntu4.27


USN-5942-1: Apache HTTP Server vulnerabilities
9 March 2023

Several security issues were fixed in Apache HTTP Server.

Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
apache2 - Apache HTTP seraver
Lars Krapf discovered that the Apache HTTP Server mod_proxy module
incorrectly handled certain configurations. A remote attacker could
possibly use this issue to perform an HTTP Request Smuggling attack.

Dimas Fariski Setyawan Putra discovered that the Apache HTTP Server
mod_proxy_uwsgi module incorrectly handled certain special characters. A
remote attacker could possibly use this issue to perform an HTTP Request
Smuggling attack. This issue only affected Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.0

Ubuntu 22.10
apache2 - 2.4.54-2ubuntu1.2
Ubuntu 22.04
apache2 - 2.4.52-1ubuntu4.4
Ubuntu 20.04
apache2 - 2.4.41-4ubuntu3.14
Ubuntu 18.04
apache2 - 2.4.29-1ubuntu4.27
(2023-03-21 12:03)

[h2]Apache2 Rewrite AH10410 Symptom Description[/h2]

❓ SYMPTOM Description: You will start to see Google Search console reporting some 403 Forbidden HTTP Error around 2023-March about your product-rewrite page, catalog-rewrite page or tags-rewrite pages and these rewrite pages are with "Space (0x20, %20)".

for example
👉 https://vovo2000.com/tags/petit%20fancy/

❓ And these URLs were just 100% OK before January 2023 and February 2023 and you did NOT touch any thing in mod_rewrite section in your htaccess or site-config at all.

[h2]Fact & Issue Analysis[/h2]

✅ Fact 1: In fact, when you try to check access.log, it is 100% perfect with HTTP 200 OK for every time you check it.

✅ Fact 2: When you look at the apache2 error.log, you will see "AH10410: Rewritten query string contains control characters or spaces", and this is trigger by Apache2 HTTP mod_rewrite.


[Tue Mar 16 10:44:05.479647 2023] [rewrite:error] [client] AH10410: Rewritten query string contains control characters or spaces

✅ Fact 3: You did some Apache2 httpd upgrade (yum/dnf update or apt upgrade or something like this) around early of March 2023. In fact, though this CVE-2023-25690 is much like a mod_proxy patch, BUT HOWEVER, it did revise mod_rewrite & mod_rewrite_http2 as well.

✅ Analysis 4: Then, you look at this CVE patch in github or svn apache.org, you will see.


Author:   covener
Date:   Sun Mar 5 20:28:43 2023 UTC
Changed paths:   7
Log Message:   
Merge r1908095 from trunk:

    don't forward invalid query strings

    Submitted by: rpluem

Reviewed By:  covener, fielding, rpluem, gbechis

Code diff of mod_rewrite.c

@@ -4729,6 +4729,17 @@ static int hook_uri2file(request_rec *r)
        unsigned skip;
        apr_size_t flen;

+        if (r->args && *(ap_scan_vchar_obstext(r->args))) {
+            /*
+             * We have a raw control character or a ' ' in r->args.
+             * Correct encoding was missed.
+             */
+            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(10410)
+                          "Rewritten query string contains control "
+                          "characters or spaces");
+            return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
+        }

        if (ACTION_STATUS == rulestatus) {
            int n = r->status;

ref: https://github.com/apache/httpd/commit/8789f6bb926fa4c33b4231a8444340515c82bdff
ref: https://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1908096

[h2]How to Quick Workaround[/h2]

✅ Workaround 1: This is NOT an issue of your cgi app, nor your scripts issue(python, java, php, ruby) since you didn't touch them at all. This is Apache2 RewriteRule issue, JUST try to add an [B] flag in the end of your RewriteRule before [QSA]

For example, Try to revise your rewrite conf or .htaccess.

# ❌ BEFORE  (though it is 100% OK before 2023 Feb or Jan ...)
RewriteRule ^/product/(.*)/([0-9]*)$   /control/show_product.php?prod=$1&p=$2        [QSA]

# ✅ AFTER: Add a [B] flag in the rear of your rewrite rule, usually before [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/product/(.*)/([0-9]*)$   /control/show_product.php?prod=$1&p=$2        [B,QSA]

(Optional, Do an apache2 restart and)
then test again your "/product/good example product/" and this rewrite will become OK again!(2023-03-21 11:43)

帥阿,阿壽 🏀🏍️(2023-03-20 20:27)

不晚不晚,never too late.

新年快樂! 😁(2023-03-16 19:18)

❤️ ❤️(2023-03-15 20:37)

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