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輪迴 karma
輪迴 karma

BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 2012/5/4 16:10
Illustration work at 120316.

The girl is a spirit who represents the source of transmigration, judging human’s guilty and innocent. The Taiwanese/Chinese Aboriginal accessories symbolize the importance of life and spiritual significance. The original idea comes from Christianity, Buddhism and my imagination.

In order to show my country's culture, I combined some Chinese words and verse in the illustration to represent atmosphere, those words content all around the meaning of karma.





#天使 by BcNy
#B.c.N.y. by BcNy
#bcny by BcNy
#女孩子 by BcNy
#自創 by BcNy
#輪迴 by BcNy
#民族風 by BcNy
Vita 生命
Vita 生命
Valentine's Day 2012
Valentine's Day 2012
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人4 地獄逃犯 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人4 地獄逃犯 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人5 血戰場 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人5 血戰場 封面插畫
🎨 More Artworks
🎨 更多 BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 的作品

Ares(亂) 2012/5/4 18:05
BcNy 寫到:
Illustration work at 120316.

The girl is a spirit who represents the source of transmigration, judging human’s guilty and innocent. The Taiwanese/Chinese Aboriginal accessories symbolize the importance of life and spiritual significance. The original idea comes from Christianity, Buddhism and my imagination.

In order to show my country's culture, I combined some Chinese words and verse in the illustration to represent atmosphere, those words content all around the meaning of karma.




好厲害阿 😱


#天使 by Ares
#B.c.N.y. by Ares
#bcny by Ares
#女孩子 by Ares
#自創 by Ares
#輪迴 by Ares
#民族風 by Ares
jim61481(Mr. Nemo 鈞) 2012/5/4 23:59

Wu(Wu) 2012/5/5 06:58
畫的很棒喔!! ❤️
momo44(深藍微憂) 2012/5/5 11:55
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
naturaljuice(陽春) 2012/5/8 08:51

再推一次 😊
redeyes41((kUma)) 2012/5/8 14:12
太驚艷了!!構圖好有意境 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
dodolo2009(豆豆先生) 2012/5/8 22:23
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
oga(阿北) 2012/5/10 00:44

❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Robbin7361(氟勞爾) 2012/5/10 01:02

很喜歡:) ❤️
jimmy961(吉米楊) 2012/5/11 11:12
圖也是超讚阿!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


#天使 by jimmy961
#B.c.N.y. by jimmy961
#bcny by jimmy961
#女孩子 by jimmy961
#自創 by jimmy961
#輪迴 by jimmy961
#民族風 by jimmy961
BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 2012/5/11 19:17
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