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明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人4 地獄逃犯 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人4 地獄逃犯 封面插畫

BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 2012/5/11 18:19



Cover design and character illustrations for volume 4 of “Huang Chuan Wei Tuo Ren”: “Escapist from Hell” (11/2011)

I carried out the client’s request on certain elements to design the composition of this illustration. Because the setting of the illustration was at night, I decided to saturate the screen with purple color tones to create a nocturnal atmosphere. The landscape was based on my memory of the basketball court of my senior high school. Although this illustration did not contain many objects, I still concentrated on the composition, which guides the audience’s eyes to move smoothly across this illustration.


#明日工作室 by BcNy
#小說 by BcNy
#黃泉委託人4 by BcNy
#地獄逃犯 by BcNy
#封面插畫 by BcNy
#bcny by BcNy
#B.c.N.y. by BcNy
Valentine's Day 2012
Valentine's Day 2012
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明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人5 血戰場 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人5 血戰場 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人6 逆天行動 封面插畫
明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人6 逆天行動 封面插畫
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grsdj(fmo6) 2012/5/11 18:27
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