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Valentine's Day 2012
Valentine's Day 2012

BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 2012/2/14 22:32
這幅畫的主題是今年的情人節, 原始的點子來自於一張最近畫的塗鴉, 我喜歡這張塗鴉的傳達出來的感覺, 而且我覺得這種氛圍很適合使用在這個特別的日子, 因此我繼續完成這個塗鴉. 另一方面, 我利用這次的機會來練習用色.

This illustration drew for the Valentine's Day at 2012. The original idea came from one sketch I drew recently; I like the feeling of this sketch, and I thought the atmosphere from this sketch was suitable for the special day, therefore I continue complete this sketch. On the other hand, I practice using colors by this chance. Hope you like this illustration.


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kynight(火車) 2012/2/15 15:11
好美 😅
thor(thoreal) 2012/2/17 11:00
🤩 🤩 🤩
oga(阿北) 2012/3/10 02:00

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