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Type Type Ubuntu討論,Ubuntu文章,Ubuntu創作,Ubuntu文字,Ubuntu發表 p=0/2

Type Type Ubuntu討論,Ubuntu文章,Ubuntu創作,Ubuntu文字,Ubuntu發表

高評分優先 新圖優先 文字模式
›› 安裝 VPN PPTPD 於 Ubuntu 18.04.2~5 LTS (3786)

›› 常見 Linux OS 發行版怎麼發音如何唸? (Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, Debian) (9511)

›› How to disable Ubuntu 16/18 MOTD "N packages can be updated" (3930)

›› TPM 2.0 tools build in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (5355)

›› Ubuntu 16.04/16.04.1 LTS upgrade kernel 4.4.0-XX to 4.8.0-XX (4205)

›› Windows 10 使用 Linux Ubuntu & Bash Script Env (5698)

›› Ubuntu: Waiting up to 60 seconds for network configuration (5232)

›› Fail to "Detect and mount CD-ROM" @Ubuntu 14.04 USB ISO disk (5268)

›› Install Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS Server @ Serial Console Mode (12196)

›› 升級: Ubuntu 12.04 Upgrade 14.04 Apache2 設定注意事項 (4360)

›› 讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora) (5079)

›› 關閉 Ubuntu 14.04/12.04 的動畫效果 (13984)

›› Ubuntu gpggpg: symbol lookup error /usr/local/lib/libreadlin (2373)

›› Why Ubuntu 12.04/12.04.2 LTS won't upgrade to MySQL 5.5 (1994)

›› Bugzilla 4.4 Quick Install @ Ubuntu 12.04 (3368)

›› Install Squid3 Proxy @ Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 (3475)

›› There is 1 zombie process is normal @ Apache2 Ubuntu Server (2637)

›› Disable CentOS/Redhat/Fedora/Ubuntu TTY Console Screen Saver (3180)

›› uBuntu 12.04 Shell 模式使用 zh_TW.UTF-8 繁體中文 (8138)

›› Performance: 32-bit vs 64-bit uBuntu 12.04 LTS (2194)

›› Setup Enable PPTP VPN @ uBuntu 12.04 LTS (2090)

›› Whoopsie is an uBuntu Crash Report Mechanism (2146)

›› Ubuntu 12.04 Install Classic 10.04 Gnome Panel/Toolbar/Menu (2644)

›› oprofile 0.9.7 configure error (popt & liberty)@Ubuntu x64 (4432)

›› Enlarge Ubuntu 10 Screen Resolution @ Virtual Box 4 (3499)

›› Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic: Temperature above threshold (3149)

›› Ubuntu Server 9.10 + QLogic Fiber HBA QLA2xxx (23xx/24xx) (3791)

›› Install Ubuntu 8.10 on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 (10733)

›› Ubuntu PC:戴爾出貨 Dell 530N Ubuntu Linux PC(桌上型電腦) (7809)

›› Dell 530N:戴爾出貨 Ubuntu Linux 為基礎的桌上型電腦(Desktop PC) (68)


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