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wish4or(wish4or) 2005/9/6 06:39
hi! i'm yergie!
i use to come here a lot.but i never knew there was a forum.LOL>HAH

goo VOVO!!
your arts are amazing.

um.....haha....about me>LOL

i'm 17, graphic design is only a interest to me, but it's worth learning.
i'm trying right now to learn how to do realistic art but it's really hard since i cant draw people .hahah>LOL>

i have been doing graphic design for the past years. i'm better at blends and fanart. i have tried digital paint, it's really hard. and cg art is harder. having to draw the person out by hand first then color them. um.i have made many attemps but i have never learn it. i hope with your guys' help i'll learn it in some time :)
TAKO(TAKO) 2005/9/6 10:21
welcome~~ 😃
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