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Help in English Please
suezoo(suezoo) 2005/5/6 03:50
I am trying to find a working email address for Vovo Tzeng, in order to request permission to use her work for sig tag, email and possibly webset creation.

Examples of my artwork can be seen at TES Graphics Game http://www.geocities.com/tesgraphicsgame/index.html, our Farm website www.stoons.ca, and my Adoptables site http://suezoo.fanspace.com/index.html even though I am currently on hiatus from doing adoptable tags due health issues.

All of the work I do is absolutely for free and I am meticulous about including artist © and website information, or, whatever other information is required by generous artists, on work I produce. I have examples of work I have created from other artists like Alan Ayers, Gregory J. Griffin, Jessica Galbreth and Cebarre that I would willingly show you, should you desire to see them.

I became disabled in 2002 due to Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and have had to abandon my 22-year non-traditional career in the aviation industry, as well as my hobbies of sculpting and painting. Creating signature tags, stationary, and desktop wallpapers is a way to unleash my creativity and bring a little joy to people like myself who are similarly disabled.

I would be very honored to be able to include your work in my repertoire.

Thank you for taking the time to read my mail and consider my request.[/url]
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