hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) 2023/3/8 14:51
★128. ●【DODO ZOO 方塊動物-Maltese】"瑪爾濟斯空姐"(美美)
Maltese, also known as the Angel of Mortgage, is home in Malta. She has a gentle temperament, a lovely appearance, and she is so coquettish and hospitable.
The dream is to become a noble flight attendant of flying airlines, and I especially like the duty-free products of various countries.
★Alice misA心夢品牌By Hoelex浩理斯
●【Dream DODO ZOO 夢想方塊動物園 】
DODO ZOO粉絲頁>>> https://www.facebook.com/DreamDODOZoo
#★Dream by hoelex34
#DODO by hoelex34
#ZOO by hoelex34
#夢想方塊動物園 by hoelex34
#-Maltese by hoelex34

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