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★塔哇歐瑪司-台灣風味原住民分布圖 Twaomas Taiwanses Aborigines Map
★塔哇歐瑪司-台灣風味原住民分布圖 Twaomas Taiwanses Aborigines Map

hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) 2022/8/6 14:11
Twaomas Taiwanses Aborigines Map
I think there are many mysterious stories and legends on this beautiful island in Taiwan. In fact, they are all worthy of adventures. Unfortunately, as Taiwanese, many people do not know the story of this island. I hope that through some creations, more people can be made. Learn about these cultural histories.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


#hoelex by hoelex34
#浩理斯 by hoelex34
#AlicemisA by hoelex34
#心夢品牌 by hoelex34
#twaomas by hoelex34
#塔哇歐瑪司 by hoelex34
#トワオマス by hoelex34
#台灣風味原住民 by hoelex34
#台灣 by hoelex34
#Taiwan by hoelex34
#Aboriginal by hoelex34
#原住民 by hoelex34
#寶島 by hoelex34
#人文 by hoelex34
#歷史 by hoelex34
#文化 by hoelex34
#品牌藝術家 by hoelex34
#BrandArtist by hoelex34
twaomas塔哇歐瑪司-魯凱族 Rukai-原住民族日ABORIGINAL DAY(Benner橫)
twaomas塔哇歐瑪司-魯凱族 Rukai-原住民族日ABORIGINAL DAY(Benner橫)
★【神奇守護幻獸-Magical Guardian Eudemons】-普賢菩薩-六牙白象six-toothed whi
★【神奇守護幻獸-Magical Guardian Eudemons】-普賢菩薩-六牙白象six-toothed whi
★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-賽德克族Seediq的父親節快樂happy father's day
★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-賽德克族Seediq的父親節快樂happy father's day
★塔哇歐瑪司 x CreASEnse創感品味-★「泰雅族Atayal」《幻化鷹文面勇武射之日》防摔手機殼
★塔哇歐瑪司 x CreASEnse創感品味-★「泰雅族Atayal」《幻化鷹文面勇武射之日》防摔手機殼
🎨 More Artworks
🎨 更多 hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) 的作品

Type(Type) 2022/8/7 17:03
👍 👍 👍
hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) 2022/8/8 12:16
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"★塔哇歐瑪司-台灣風味原住民分布圖 Twaomas Taiwanses Aborigines Map" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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