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★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 阿美族Amis-收割稻子Mipanay
★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 阿美族Amis-收割稻子Mipanay

hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) 2020/8/23 19:01
Pacidal. Mayaw is preparing to harvest rice. "Mipanay" has two meanings in the Ami language. The verb means "harvest" and the noun is "harvest rice." When the Ami Chinese New Year Festival is held from mid-July to early September every year. "And Hafay means "millet" and will kick off in the evening to thank the ancestors for their shelter.


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#Mayaw by hoelex34
#收割稻子 by hoelex34
#Mipanay by hoelex34
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