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UTF8 表情符號 01 emoji:臉部表情符號,喜怒哀樂符號(Chrome 可顯示) 😂
Type(Type) 2018/12/1 18:56

UTF8 表情符號 01:臉部表情符號,喜怒哀樂符號(Chrome 可顯示)

😀 grinning face
😁 beaming face with smiling eyes
😂 face with tears of joy
😃 grinning face with big eyes
😄 grinning face with smiling eyes
😅 grinning face with sweat
😆 grinning squinting face
😉 winking face
😊 smiling face with smiling eyes
😋 face savoring food
😎 smiling face with sunglasses
😍 smiling face with heart-eyes
😘 face blowing a kiss
😗 kissing face
😙 kissing face with smiling eyes
😚 kissing face with closed eyes
☺️ smiling face
😐 neutral face
😑 expressionless face
😶 face without mouth
😏 smirking face
😣 persevering face
😥 sad but relieved face
😮 face with open mouth
😯 hushed face
😪 sleepy face
😫 tired face
😴 sleeping face
😌 relieved face
😛 face with tongue
😜 winking face with tongue
😝 squinting face with tongue
😒 unamused face
😓 downcast face with sweat
😔 pensive face
😕 confused face
😲 astonished face
☹️ frowning face
😖 confounded face
😞 disappointed face
😟 worried face
😤 face with steam from nose
😢 crying face
😭 loudly crying face
😦 frowning face with open mouth
😧 anguished face
😨 fearful face
😩 weary face
😬 grimacing face
😰 anxious face with sweat
😱 face screaming in fear
😳 flushed face
😵 dizzy face
😡 pouting face
😠 angry face
😷 face with medical mask
😇 smiling face with halo
😈 smiling face with horns
👿 angry face with horns
👹 ogre
👺 goblin
💀 skull
☠️ skull and crossbones
👻 ghost
👽 alien
👾 alien monster
💩 pile of poo
😺 grinning cat face
😸 grinning cat face with smiling eyes
😹 cat face with tears of joy
😻 smiling cat face with heart-eyes
😼 cat face with wry smile
😽 kissing cat face
🙀 weary cat face
😿 crying cat face
😾 pouting cat face
🙈 see-no-evil monkey
🙉 hear-no-evil monkey
🙊 speak-no-evil monkey
👶 baby
👦 boy
👧 girl
👨 man
👩 woman
👴 old man
👵 old woman
👨‍⚕️ man health worker
👩‍⚕️ woman health worker
👨‍🎓 man student
👩‍🎓 woman student
👨‍🏫 man teacher
👩‍🏫 woman teacher
👨‍⚖️ man judge
👩‍⚖️ woman judge
👨‍🌾 man farmer
👩‍🌾 woman farmer
👨‍🍳 man cook
👩‍🍳 woman cook
👨‍🔧 man mechanic
👩‍🔧 woman mechanic
👨‍🏭 man factory worker
👩‍🏭 woman factory worker
👨‍💼 man office worker
👩‍💼 woman office worker
👨‍🔬 man scientist
👩‍🔬 woman scientist
👨‍💻 man technologist
👩‍💻 woman technologist
👨‍🎤 man singer
👩‍🎤 woman singer
👨‍🎨 man artist
👩‍🎨 woman artist
👨‍✈️ man pilot
👩‍✈️ woman pilot
👨‍🚀 man astronaut
👩‍🚀 woman astronaut
👨‍🚒 man firefighter
👩‍🚒 woman firefighter
👮 police officer
👮‍♂️ man police officer
👮‍♀️ woman police officer
💂 guard
💂‍♂️ man guard
💂‍♀️ woman guard
👷 construction worker
👷‍♂️ man construction worker
👷‍♀️ woman construction worker
👸 princess
👳 person wearing turban
👳‍♂️ man wearing turban
👳‍♀️ woman wearing turban
👲 man with Chinese cap
🧕 woman with headscarf
🧔 bearded person
👱 blond-haired person
👱‍♂️ blond-haired man
👱‍♀️ blond-haired woman
👰 bride with veil
👼 baby angel
🎅 Santa Claus
👯 people with bunny ears
👯‍♂️ men with bunny ears
👯‍♀️ women with bunny ears


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