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Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night

aniark(aniark) 2018/8/5 11:57
*Hi, I'm aNiark (IG:aniark.art)

An illustrator based in Taiwan*

第一次畫一系列的圖 請多指教('😊').

My first series of illustrations.

I dearly enjoyed creating them, hoping you'd enjoy them as well.


*RB* https://www.redbubble.com/people/aniark

*Society 6* https://society6.com/anixi


巴哈 https://home.gamer.com.tw/homeindex.php?owner=aniark

FB FANPAGE https://www.facebook.com/AniArtArk/




#aniark by aniark
#宇宙 by aniark
#金魚 by aniark
#fantasy by aniark
#underwater by aniark
#水下世界 by aniark
#插畫 by aniark
#貓 by aniark
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
Under the Starry Night
🎨 More Artworks
🎨 更多 aniark(aniark) 的作品

Type(Type) 2018/8/8 19:34
[更多討論] 美術繪圖發表:奇幻插畫,言情插畫,兒童繪本,線上繪圖,水彩水墨油畫素描版畫

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