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"yadda yadda yadda" vs "blah blah blah" 翻譯:「等等等」「細節省略不詳述」
"yadda yadda yadda" vs "blah blah blah" 翻譯:「等等等」「細節省略不詳述」

Type(Type) 2018/7/16 20:40

"yadda yadda yadda" vs "blah blah blah" 翻譯:細節省略不詳述

yadda yadda: 可翻為「等等等」,「以下省略」
blah blah blah : 一樣可翻為「等等等」「噹噹噹」「以下省略一千字」

不建議用 blah blah,因為有點「貶義」「負面說法」
如:青少年叛逆期,對於父母的叮嚀與嘮叨,有時候你會看到他們回「blah blah blah」。

正式的場合請用 et cetera. (etc.) 或者 "and more related <N.>".
甚至我會建議,blah blah blah ,就都不要用,就算是很隨意、很口語的場合。

"blah blah" 例句:

Mary's students seemingly ignored her instructions to study, and then started to play mobile games, gossiping around, and blah blah blah.

"yadda yadda" 例句:

Linus Torvalds, "I was talking about things like 'life of author+70 years' and the corporate 95-year version. That's ridiculous. Couple that with the difficulty of judging fair use etc, and it really hinders things like archival of material, making of documentaries, yadda yadda..."

Kirk 艦長: "No Blah Blah Blah!"

Children: "Blah blah blah! Blah blah blah! Blah blah blah! Blah blah blah!"

Kirk: "Listen to me! You've got our communicators, the boxes we talk into. We need them to talk to the ship."

Red Headed Boy: "Blah blah blah!"

Kirk: "No blah blah blah!"

Kirk: "Because if we don't talk to the ship, if you don't help us, there won't be any games anymore. There won't be anything. Nothing, no Grups, no Onlies, nobody left forever and ever."
service(staff) 2018/7/17 02:52

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""yadda yadda yadda" vs "blah blah blah" 翻譯:「等等等」「細節省略不詳述」" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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