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<Year of the Dog 2018: 犬吠戊戌迎新春>
<Year of the Dog 2018: 犬吠戊戌迎新春>

hiroshi18(hiroshi18) 2018/2/15 14:15
Happy Chinese New Year of the Dog!

犬吠戊戌迎新春 來勢洶洶旺運到


#2018 by hiroshi18
#賀圖 by hiroshi18
#新年快樂 by hiroshi18
#新年賀圖 by hiroshi18
#戊戌狗年賀圖 by hiroshi18
#狗年賀年卡 by hiroshi18
#dog by hiroshi18
#🐶 by hiroshi18
#🐕 by hiroshi18
<Year of the Monkey 2016: 猿聖現蹤迎新春_B>
<Year of the Monkey 2016: 猿聖現蹤迎新春_B>
<Year of the Rooster 2017: 金雞獨立賀新春>
<Year of the Rooster 2017: 金雞獨立賀新春>
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<Year of the Pig 2019: 諸事大吉萬象新>
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<Year of the Rat 2020: 鼠穎描春成畫稿>
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🎨 更多 hiroshi18(hiroshi18) 的作品

Type(Type) 2018/2/15 16:35
新年快樂 ❤️
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