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Chrome Save as Dialog Open Very Slowly; Firefox,IE,Edge OK
Type(Type) 2016/2/7 12:27

Google Chrome Save Image as Dialog Window Open Very Slowly

but Firefox,IE,Edge looked OK

1. Google Chrome "File Location dialog window tried to probe every disk in your PC".

2. If one of your disk (HDD, SSD, SD/MMC, USB disk) get problem,
then you will have to wait the disk scan/probe timeout,
about 60 ~ 180 seconds and maybe more.

3. Firefox/IE/Edge's timeout seemed to be more decent.

4. The solution is: Remove the USB/SD/MMC or any disk which are problematic. Then the symptom gone!

[更多討論] 討論區 Windows, Linux, Perl, PHP, C/C++, Driver, Web 理論、應用、硬體、軟體

"Chrome Save as Dialog Open Very Slowly; Firefox,IE,Edge OK" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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