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Windows 10: How To Delete C:\Windows.old from Win7,Win8,8.1
Windows 10: How To Delete C:\Windows.old from Win7,Win8,8.1
Windows 10: How To Delete C:\Windows.old from Win7,Win8,8.1

Type(Type) 2015/10/26 18:19

Windows 10: How To Delete C:\Windows.old upgraded from Win7/Win8/Win8.1

Step-1. "cmd.exe", run cmd.exe as administrator Permission

Step-2. (@ CMD.exe) Run "takeown /F C:\Windows.old\ /R /A"


C:> takeown /F C:\Windows.old\ /R /A

/R: Here means Recursively
/A: Here means Assign owner to Administrator

Step-3. (@ CMD.exe) ACL(icacls): Grant full permission to Everyone on Every Files


C:> icacls "C:\Windows.old" /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)F /T

/grant Everyone:  Here means grant everyone with FULL Control
/T:  Here means for "every files" found in this folder

Step-4. Delete again with File Exploer

OK, back to File-Exploper, now your can delete again, you will find everything is deleteable
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