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「搶鋒頭、搶風頭、出鋒頭」英文翻譯: Steal one's thunder, Grab one's spotlight
「搶鋒頭、搶風頭、出鋒頭」英文翻譯: Steal one's thunder, Grab one's spotlight

Type(Type) 2015/9/30 01:16

「搶鋒頭、搶風頭、出鋒頭」英文翻譯: Steal one's thunder, Grab one's spotlight


{Steal | Grab} One's {Thunder or Spotlight or Show}

1. Steal someone's thunder 搶走某人的鋒頭、偷取某人鋒頭
2. Steal someone's spotlight (or show)
3. Grab someone's thunder
4. Grab someone's spotlight (or show)

如果純粹是「搶走鋒頭、搶盡風頭」,而沒有針對任何人,則把 someone's 換成 "the" 即可

5. Grab the spotlight
6. Steal the thunder
7. Steal the show
8. Grab the show

要看前後文判斷,才能知道「褒獎 or 貶抑」。


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"「搶鋒頭、搶風頭、出鋒頭」英文翻譯: Steal one's thunder, Grab one's spotlight" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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