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How about 與 What about 的差別與用法/例句
Type(Type) 2015/6/4 12:38

How about 與 What about 的區別差別與用法/例句

1. How about 用法上: "How about" + <動詞 or 動名詞>

e.g. 例句:
"You look sleepy. How about having a cup of tea or coffee?"

2. What about 用法上: "What about" + <名詞>

e.g. 例句:
A: "I am planning to have a vacation in Guam this winter."
B: "What about your pets? Bring them to your mom or take them along with?"

3. How about 「提出意見/提出邀請」成分相較高,「詢問作法」成分相較低。

例句: "How about having lunch with us?" (提出意見)

4. What about 「提出意見/提出邀請」成分相較低,「詢問作法」成分相較高,剛好相反。

例句: "What about the replaced laptop/PC? They looked to be still functional, though slow."

*** 簡單歸納就是 ***

WHAT ABOUT == 作法尚未明確,尚未有強烈主見。
HOW ABOUT == 作法已經明確,已經有一定主見存在。

5. 某些應用場合,"What about" / "How about" 也帶有反對、不贊成、不完全同意、請對方多想想、或者有嘲諷、拒絕的意思

e.g. 例句:
A: "I had it enough, I will quit. Don't want to work for the firm any more!"
B: "Think twice. What about your house mortgage and car loan?" (帶有「反對」意味的提醒)

e.g. 例句:
A: "Just give me more days, I will try to deliver the artwork painting by weekend."
B: "Huh, how about giving you more years?" (帶有「嘲諷」意味的「拒絕」)




[更多討論] 英文英語討論區、英翻中、中翻英、英文單字詞彙意思與用法

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