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Twitch 可能被駭客入侵,流失帳號、密碼、E-Mail、電話 (2015/03/23)
Twitch 可能被駭客入侵,流失帳號、密碼、E-Mail、電話 (2015/03/23)

Type(Type) 2015/3/24 14:07

Twitch TV 可能被駭客入侵,流失帳號、密碼、E-Mail、電話 (2015/03/23)

2015/03/23 ~ 2015/03/24 收到 Twitch 寄來的信件


1. 我們寄信告知你的 Twitch TV 帳號內的使用者帳號密碼、E-Mail Address、上次登入 IP Address、

(註釋:寫一大堆,簡單來講大概 99% 機率是 Twitch 被駭客入侵了...)

2. 為了保護您,我們做了下列措施:

(2.a) 斷開您的 Twitch 與 Twitter/Youtube/Facebook 的帳戶連結

(2.b) 設定您的密碼為失效狀態

(2.c) 我們也建議您如果在其他網站用和 Twitch 一樣的密碼,則趕快修改!

(註釋:也就是要你重新設定密碼、以及和 Twitter/Youtube/FB 的連結)

(註釋:另外假設 Twitch 用的和其他網站一樣 則要多加注意,最好也重新設定...)

3. 我們對於任何不便感到抱歉。



We are writing to let you know that there may have been unauthorized access
to some of your Twitch user account information, including possibly
your Twitch username and associated email address, your password
(which was cryptographically protected), the last IP address you logged in from,
and any of the following if you provided it to us: first and last name, phone number, address, and date of birth.

For your protection, we have expired your password and stream keys.

In addition, if you had connected your account to Twitter or YouTube,
we have terminated this connection.

You will be prompted to create a new password the next time you attempt to log into your Twitch account.
If applicable, you will also need to re-connect your account to Twitter and YouTube,
and re-authenticate through Facebook, once you change your password.

We also recommend that you change your password at any other website
where you use the same or a similar password.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

The Twitch Team

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"Twitch 可能被駭客入侵,流失帳號、密碼、E-Mail、電話 (2015/03/23)" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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