Type(Type) 2014/9/22 12:24
Sore thumb 的中文意思/翻譯 Stick/Stand out like a sore thumb
Sore Thumb: (酸痛的手指)這裡引伸為「特別突出/與眾不同」
例句 #1: Stick out like a store thumb
John sticks out like a sore thumb in the seminar. He wears a purple tall hat all day long.
例句 #2: Stand out like a store thumb
I'd remember that your red sports car stood out like a sore thumb in school parking lots.
例句 #3: sore thumb
These PHP frameworks looks all incredibly similar;
except for Zend, which just stands out like a sore thumb.
這些 PHP Frameworks 看起來都是很相似;
唯一的例外是 ZEND Engine, 用起來就是和別人不一樣!
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