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Type(Type) 2014/8/11 15:06


@ 2014/08/10 英文原文: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/10/world/asia/studio-ghibli-miyazaki-future/index.html

Watch a movie from acclaimed Japanese animators Studio Ghibli,
and you might see a boy turn into a flying dragon, a deer morph into a monstrous god,
or a fish transform into a young girl.
But with the retirement last year of 宮崎駿(Hayao Miyazaki), the studio's legendary co-founder, s
igns suggest the venerable and inimitable company is headed for a transformation of its own.



In a Japanese TV interview last Friday, Ghibli co-founder 鈴木敏夫(Toshio Suzuki) said the firm needed to
"think about its future,"
and would be "changing the way we make (animation)."
He also speculated that Miyazaki might "make something again," though it might be a no more than a short film for
the Studio Ghibli museum.

在上週五(2014/08/08)的日本電視訪談內,另外一位創辦人鈴木敏夫(Toshio Suzuki)說到,


Suzuki's comments followed his own remarks from early last week, when he said Studio Ghibli would take a "brief break,"
leading to panicked online speculation
that the studio was about to close.


A Ghibli representative told CNN the speculation was untrue, saying "Studio Ghibli has decided nothing officially for the future
of the studio."
Yet after concluding nearly three decades with Miyazaki at the helm, the fate of the company suddenly looks uncertain.

CNN 的記者訪問吉卜力,發言人表示「(吉卜力要結束營業)這並非事實。 目前吉卜力工作室尚未決定未來的道路。」
然而,在宮崎駿親手掌舵將近約 30 年後,吉卜力工作室命運目前看起來是前途未卜。

The studio has been producing hand-drawn animated films for decades, sticking to old-school, painstaking frame-by-frame methods
even as other studios have long
embraced computer-aided animation and CGI.
Every one of Studio Ghibli's hits -- from "My Neighbor Totoro" (1988) to "The Wind Rises" (2013) features a signature artistic
style -- delicately rendered characters,
exquisitely crafted environments, and an effortless sensation of movement.



Anime expert Helen McCarthy says Ghibli has been able to perfect its hand-drawn tradition because it has employed the same animators for a very long time --
unlike many other studios, which rely on per-project contracts and short-term piecework.

美國動畫專家 Helen McCarthy 表示,吉卜力透過「長期雇用同一批的手繪動畫師團隊」,讓他得以達成手繪動畫作品的高品質傳統;

"This means Ghibli can be sure of a consistent quality of artistry and craftsmanship," she said.
But as Ghibli's staff ages, the firm must figure out how to carry on with younger talent.

Helen McCarthy 表示「這種方式,造就了偉大的藝術成就,並持續產出穩定品質的動畫工藝」

(Studio Ghibli) is like a great violin... it has to be passed on to new players or else falls silent.


McCarthy says the Japanese studio has focused for decades on "the personal visions of two remarkable directors," Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata -- both now in their 70s.
"(Studio Ghibli) is like a great violin, a Stradivarius maybe, in the hands of two great musicians.

Helen McCarthy 表示「吉卜力長久聚焦於兩位偉大動畫師的願景(宮崎駿、高畑勳),然而,這兩位大師現在都 70 多歲了。
吉卜力工作室就像是一支偉大的小提琴,也許就像是斯特拉迪瓦里琴(Stradivarius), 過去由這兩位大師所演奏著,不斷拉出動人的音符。」

But when those musicians retire it has to be passed on to new players or else falls silent, because its structure is expensive to maintain."
What's next?


The big question: Can anybody succeed Hayao Miyazaki?

目前的最大問題: 有人能繼承宮崎駿嗎?

"Studio Ghibli has young creators, Goro Miyazaki and Hiromasa Yonebayashi," Studio Ghibli's representative told CNN.
"They are continuing to work for the studio."
But the films of Goro Miyazaki, -- Hayao Miyazaki's 47-year-old son -- and Yonebayashi, 41, \
have yet to achieve anywhere the success of the elder Miyazaki's work.

工作室發言人說「吉卜力工作室目前有兩位年輕的創作家,宮崎吾朗(47, 宮崎駿之子)和米林宏昌(41);他們持續的替工作室做出貢獻」

Hayao Miyazaki's 2001 epic, "Spirited Away," grossed a record-breaking $274 million worldwide and took home the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
n 2013, Miyazaki's swansong "The Wind Rises," made over $117 million.

宮崎駿 2001 年的經典作品「神隱少女(2001)」,創下了全球兩億七千四百萬美金的票房紀錄,並且獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫片獎。

By contrast, the studio's newest film, "When Marnie Was There," directed by Yonebayashi, is only expected to make $36 million.
Goro Miyazaki's 2013 "From Up on Poppy Hill" made about $61 million.

反過來看,米林宏昌的「回憶中的瑪妮(2014)」,約只有三千六百萬美金票房(約神隱少女 13%),
而,宮崎吾朗的「來自紅花坂(2011)」,也只賣了六千一百萬美金(約神隱少女 22%)

That's why the studio must now perform a sober self re-evaluation after enjoying years of steady success.


"We wanted to make a dream company," said Suzuki.
"We were able to realize (that dream) to some extent and we're very happy about that.
But now we're at a point where we've got to think about what we'll do next."
Should fans be worried? McCarthy says Ghibli's tradition of hand-drawn animation should survive,
as long as audiences "accept the high costs and the demands it places on the workers involved."
"Art is viable as long as people are willing to make it and buy it."

鈴木敏夫「我們最初的目標就是一家夢想公司。 我們努力去實現我們和觀眾的夢想,並對於這段時間的的成就感到愉悅。」



美國動畫專家 McCarthy 表示「吉卜力工作室的手繪工藝動畫應該會繼續存活,只要觀眾繼續願意掏錢出來支撐工作室的大量人力開銷」



#宮崎駿 by Type
#鈴木敏夫 by Type
#高畑勳 by Type
#宮崎吾朗 by Type
#米林宏昌 by Type
[更多討論] 漫畫動畫:漫畫動畫美術、人物設定、劇情、情報、OVA、漫畫家、聲優

"吉卜力工作室要收掉了/關閉?(美國報導翻譯)" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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