Type(Type) 2014/7/10 16:16
CentOS 7 安裝失敗 "Warning: /dev/root does not exist, could not boot"
How To Fix CentOS could not boot Install failures
1. Around buring CentOS 7 DVD, please reassign the Label as "CENTOS7" (No Space within label)
2. Then, around Boot Disk Menu, press "Tab",
Change Label from "CENTOS\x207\x20x86_64" to "CENTOS7"
(ie. remove x20 space)
3. If you dd CentOS 7 Install DVD into USB Boot Disk,
Just using mtools/mlabel to change USB disk Label, like the following commands:
See also: http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-365717.html (Same issues Fedora 17/18/19/20)
$ yum install mtools (or, apt-get install mtools)
$ sudo echo "mtools_skip_check=1" > ~/.mtoolsrc
$ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdX1 ::CENTOS7 (the '::' prefix is a must!)
[OK] Started Dracut Pre-trigger hook.
Starting udev Coldplug all Devices...
Mounting Configuration File System
[OK] Reached Target system Initialization.
Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen...
[OK] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen.
[OK] Reached Target Paths.
[OK] Reached Target Basic System.
(Halt for 120+ seconds)
dracut-initqueue[682]: Warning: Could not boot
dracut-initqueue[682]: Warning: Could not boot
dracut-initqueue[682]: Warning: /dev/root does not exist
Starting Dracut Emergency Shell...
Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
Entering emergency mode. Exit the Shell to Continue.
Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or /boot
after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.
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