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讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora)
讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora)
讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora)

Type(Type) 2014/6/21 21:29

讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora)


1. 配合 "pv" 或 "pv -s SIZE" 使用


$ apt-get install pv  (or, yum install pv)

$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 | pv -s 2G | of=/tmp/file

(這裡的 -s 2G 取代 count=524288)

2. 或者直接安裝 "dcfldd" 配合 "time"


$ apt-get install dcfldd  (or, yum install dcfldd)

$ man dcfldd

$ dcfldd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 of=/tmp/file count=524288 statusinterval=1

$ time dcfldd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 of=/tmp/file count=524288 statusinterval=1

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