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森林妖精 Elf in the forest
森林妖精  Elf in the forest

BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 2014/5/23 17:14
May 14, 2014.
這幅畫是學校的作業之一. 在畫了與龍相關的第一幅畫後, 接著想要嘗試與奇幻主題有關連的創作, 所以便以妖精為主題描繪了這幅畫.

因為想表現皮膚與花為造型的服裝, 花了蠻多時間在處理這兩個元素. 途中發現衣服和皮膚的顏色過於相似, 為了要讓臉部更容易被觀賞而加入光斑來放掉一些部分.

鳥兒們是以蜂鳥做為發想. 原本是藍色的羽毛, 為了讓鳥與背景其它部分有所區別而將其顏色調整為紅色.

希望大家會喜歡這次的作品! 歡迎大家分享想法與建議; 如果喜歡的話也歡迎分享! 謝謝.

Elf in the forest
May 14, 2014.

This is one of an illustration for my school’s assignment. After finishing the first illustration which theme was related to dragons, I wanted to do another one with fantasy themes. Therefore I selected elf as a topic of this illustration.
I wanted to present skins and flower-looking clothes on a character. I spent much time on refining these elements. In the middle, I found the color of the cloth was similar to the skin, so I add light and shadow effect on its for emphasizing the point- the character’s face.
The idea of birds in the illustration coming from hummingbirds. Originally the color of these birds were blue. In order to make the different tones between the birds and the background, I changed the birds’ color to red.
Hopeful you like the illustration I brought this times! If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to write down here.
Meanwhile, welcome to share this illustration via Facebook from my personal facebook page below, thank you: )
B.c.N.y.'s Art:www.facebook.com/BcnyArt

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#B.c.N.y. by BcNy
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#妖精 by BcNy
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soonlee2013(legend) 2014/6/10 09:07
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