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WM(.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.) 2014/1/23 22:30

M2M - The Day You Went Away HD (Official Video)

下午 10:57 2014/1/23
2014 UFOOO
2014 UFOOO
2014 彩虹充滿心世界
2014 彩虹充滿心世界
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WM(.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.) 2014/1/23 23:40
光賭博敗光家不作飯的母親 清掉.. 😝

華視新聞 - ‎4小時之前‎


下午 11:32 2014/1/23
WM(.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.) 2014/1/24 06:32
握起雙手 感受內心 接受神性 採取行動 展現理想 落實正義

2014-01-2323:32【聖哲曼】《2014年的能量》 ?揚升大師 / Ascended Mast 好文轉寄



【傳導】Alexandra and Dan

【翻譯】shan-athana http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7696b0770101j4m8.html

【日期】 The Energies of 2014" - A Saint-Germain Channeling


2013 年的作用是要在你做的每件事中找到平衡。你們揭示了更多內在的議題--不公正和不平等,你們需要再次用集合的意識考慮,你們想在這個世界達成什麼樣的目標。

Much of the year 2013 has been about finding balance in everything that you do. In this past year you've been exposed more to the issues of injustice and inequality, and you had to reconsider as a collective consciousness what are the higher ideals that you want to follow in the world.


Having a higher vision for the world, and making that vision a rea​​​​lity was such a strong desire for so many of you.


But because you could not always accept with ease the changes that were occuring, you might have fallen into disillusionment, and some of you even became jaded and cynical.


However, in order to ground a higher vision of reality here on the Earth, you need to be very practical.


You need to be able to take that vision, make a plan, then follow individual steps which will show you in the end the process that will make it possible for you to manifest your dreams.


When you are not practical about life, then life becomes very practical with you, and it shows you the most "imperfect" things happening around you.


This eventually forces you to look at what needs to be done in order to improve things in your life, and in the lives of others.


Your Vision of the World


So, if you felt stuck at times in anger or bitterness, or if you felt trapped in a world that doesn't seem to value taking care of the Earth and its citizens, then it is because your view of the world was probably too narrow .


When you were too focused on the little details that were not working, you were not able to see the big picture. And this picture is not just about having high ideals.


It's also about finding a way to let those ideals inspire you to take action and then create a practical and workable vision of the world you would like to see.


Accepting yourself and everything as is, not in a state of perfection but in a state of perfect process at all times, then became your learning experience in the last year.


Being able to see beyond yours and other people's flaws and weaknesses, and staying patient while everything developed at its perfect pace and in it's own perfect way, was the key to moving forward and accomplishing what you wanted in your life in 2013.

【2014年會帶來什麼? 】

What Will 2014 Bring?


Now, 2014 is about finding the faith and the trust within, to show your light, and to be who you truly are.


So much of what you may have been hiding from yourself, but also from the world, will come out this year.


You will need to get out into the world, and you will have to dare to be vulnerable, remembering that it is a sign of strength to reveal to others what your heart holds dearly, and what a wonderful light you can spread in the world.


This year humanity will be challenged to let go of the drive for achievement and for amassing possessions, and you will have to find ways to put materiality into a larger perspective, so that it can be something that serves the greater good of all.


The main job that each of you have, is to look within and connect with your own Divine nature. It is a time to connect deeper with your intuition, and it is a time to learn to trust your feeling-nature and your instincts, rather than just your fear-based thoughts.


By having a sense of deep trust in the workings of the Universe and following your intuition, you will allow everyone to release the fear that is holding all of you in a dark place full of worries, too much thinking, and way too many games of the mind.


Indeed it is time that each of you find your individual path to connect with your intuitive side, without letting anything or anyone convince you that what you are doing is wrong.


So, if you want to connect with someone or with something that you feel passionate about, allow yourself to feel intuitively whether this is a good experience for you.


Once you've allowed your feelings to inform you, and you have consulted the wisdom of your personal experience too, then it is time to act.


It is time that you acknowledge yourself as being the only person who can truly feel and understand your needs.


You can not continue deceiving yourself about what you think you need, but instead you will have to look at your real needs, and you will have to do something about fulfilling them.


You are the only one that knows the best path in life for yourself.


And by opening your heart and allowing it to stay open, you will encounter the greatest experiences of your life.


Indeed, I AM Saint-Germain.

Source: http://joyandclarity.blogspot.nl/2014/01/the-energies-of-2014-saint...
WM(.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.) 2014/1/24 06:35

原來 BB住在智慧城市.....??? #@!^%!$#!%^#!@$!
路鋪好一點 污染少一點 福利多一點 環法快一點

胡志強:台灣的進步 讓世界吃驚稍後再讀中國時報 盧金足/台中報導 2014年01月24日 04:09








上午 06:17 2014/1/24
WM(.*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *.) 2014/1/24 06:36
376. 自己做選擇

(Making Your Own Choices)


然而,這就是所你做的。你害怕做出錯誤的決定或選擇,但無論你選擇什麼,或做出什麼決定,你將會從中學習借鑒。你也許會說, “ 可是,如果我做出了錯誤的決定,我怎麼可能從中學習?”我可以告訴你,你會從中學習,你會學習下一次你不應該做的。嘗試你自己在沒有請求他人幫你做決定的情況下生活一個星期。自己做選擇,相信自己的感覺,因為正是這樣,你會提高自己的直覺,變得更加敏銳!

這會是一個挑戰,因為你已經習慣了征求別人的建議!在你來到人世前,你選擇了自己的道路,自己的決定和選擇。然而,地球上的恐懼阻止了你單獨做選擇和決定。問別人怎麼做使你有安全感,因為如果出了差錯,你就可以責怪別人,而不是自己。如果你沒有自己為自己做出選擇和決定,​​你就沒有生活在自己你出生前就為自己選擇的生活,你把自己的選擇和決定權交給了別人。嘗試獨自做選擇和決定,​​並從中成長,不要再依賴他人,而要成為自己的主人! -- - 彌勒
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