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Bugzilla 4.4 Quick Install @ Ubuntu 12.04
Type(Type) 2013/6/26 19:42

Quick Setup Bugzilla 4.4 @ Ubuntu 12.04

1.1 Install Apache2 httpd first (apt-get install apache2)

1.2 Install MySQL 5.5+ (apt-get install mysql-server mysql-common)

(a) Remember to run "mysql_secure_installation" after apt-get done.

(b) Configure necesary account for root and bugzilla-db
You could use root as bugzilla-db, of course.

1.3 Download/get latest Bugzillaa version;
Note: Version 4.4 or later supports Gmail SSL SMTP

1.4 Run ./checksetup.pl to install related needed perl modules
in bugzilla folder

1.5 Edit ./localconfig to setup database user/password/port

1.6 Run ./checksetup.pl again so that the script will
connect to database, create tables, and create first admin for you.

1.7 chmod 700 ./localconfig

1.8 Revise .htaccess (e.g. remark the "Options -Indexes")

1.9 Login with admin account

(a) Administration --> Setup Parameters

(b) Administration --> Setup Default Preference

1.10 Done. Post your first bug.

Bugzilla Install Q & A

Q: More details?
A: Read the ./README and ./docs/ for more details

Q: Start my bugzilla bug ID from #5566 (A Specific number) ?
A: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249987/how-do-i-seed-the-bug-number-in-bugzilla

Q: Change the "Bugzilla" title to "My-Favorite-Name Bugzilla"?
A: http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.4/en/html/cust-templates.html

Q: Using Gmail as my Bugzilla SMTP mail sender
A: http://lpsolit.wordpress.com/2012/11/09/using-gmail-as-smtp-server-from-bugzilla-to-send-email-notifications-is-supported-natively/
Type(Type) 2013/6/28 18:51

Install ./jobqueue to reduce Bugzillaa STMP sending time


$ cd /var/www/your_bugzilla_folder/

$ ./jobqueue.pl start
$ ./jobqueue.pl install

$ ls /etc/init.d/jobqueue*

$ ./jobqueue.pl check
Configuration looks okay
jobqueue.pl running - pid 21359
0 jobs in the queue.

[更多討論] 討論區 Windows, Linux, Perl, PHP, C/C++, Driver, Web 理論、應用、硬體、軟體

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