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BcNy(B.c.N.y.) 2012/5/19 00:09



Greeting everyone!
This illustration finished at MAY.16 2012.

The original purpose is the tutorial for illustration class in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. In this class, I show the students how to add colors on the picture which had black and white tones.

I love kog'maw! I also enjoy to play League of Legends, therefore I select those characters to be the theme of illustration.


#B.c.N.y. by BcNy
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#安妮 by BcNy
#索娜 by BcNy
#寇格魔 by BcNy
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grsdj(fmo6) 2012/5/19 22:11
圖很讚 可是左邊跪著的那隻的臉.........
[更多討論] 美術繪圖發表:奇幻插畫,言情插畫,兒童繪本,線上繪圖,水彩水墨油畫素描版畫

"英雄聯盟LOL:安妮與索娜以及寇格魔" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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