Type(Type) 2011/4/12 12:19
Change Ubuntu 10 Screen Size @ VirtualBox 4
There seems to be only max 800x600 available on screen resolution
when installing Ubuntu 10 @ VirtualBox
You could achieve to detect higher screen resolution by doing so
1. Mount the Virtual Box 4 "Guest Additions CD" onto VirtualBox CD-Drive
2. You will then see there is a "VirtualBox Guest Additions" CD
in your Ubuntu 10 desktop
3. Open the CD Folder
4. Execute "autorun.sh" (sudo-user or root)
5. Virtualbox additions script might cost you 30~300 seconds
to finish extract/build/install.
6. After Done, the script will prompt you to press any key and "RESTART" your guest ubuntu 10. (You might have to restart yourself)
7. After Restart Done,
you could see and select higher screen resolution
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